JSON | Fresco Play

JSON | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
JSON | Fresco Play

Question 1: What is/are the correct statements about JSON?

Answer: all

Question 2: True or False: JSON objects are typed while XML data is typeless.

Answer: True

Question 3: Who is the Father of JSON?

Answer: Douglas Crockford

Question 4: True or False: Objects can contain multiple name/values pairs.

Answer: True

Question 5: True or False: Data can be readily accessible using JSON objects.

Answer: True

Question 6: What is the standard MIME type for JSON?

Answer: application/json

Question 7: While receiving data from any web server, the data is always _

Answer: String

Question 8: True or False: JSON is now being supported by almost all Programming languages.

Answer: True

Question 9: JSON objects is/are_____

Answer: All of the options

Question 10: Which would be better option to consider in a environment when you have both big JSON file & multiple small JSON files to deal with?

Answer: JSON simple (regular)

Question 11: FasterXML’s Jackson can handle both JSON/non-JSON encodings.

Answer: True

Question 12: Which would be better option to consider in a environment with distributed set-up with multiple small JSON files ?

Answer: GSON

Question 13: What are the true options applicable for JSON Parser?

Answer: Used to convert a JSON text to a JavaScript object.

Question 14: Which would be better option to consider in a environment when you have big JSON file ?

Answer: Jackson

Question 15: Which API for JSON processing can consume/produce streaming JSON text?

Answer: JSONP

Question 16: What is the correct way to write a JSON array?

Answer: var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]

Question 17: True or False: JSON is not a data format that can be used for asynchronous browser/server communication.

Answer: False

Question 18: JavaScript function JSON.parse() is to convert text into string.

Answer: False

Question 19: True or False: In JSON syntax, square brackets can't holds arrays.

Answer: False

Question 20: Looping an Array is possible in JSON.

Answer: True

Question 21: What is JSON RPC?

Answer: JSON-RPC is a simple remote procedure call protocol that uses the lightweight JSON format instead of XML.

Question 22: Why JSON over XML?

Answer: Retrieving values is as easy as reading from an object property

Question 23: What is the true option applicable for JSON?

Answer: JSON object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace)

Question 24: JSON can support sending, reading, and receiving texts available in any real-world business scenario.

Answer: True

Question 25: Apart from the regular JSON, we have other versions of JSON in use such as

Answer: JSONP

Question 26: True or False: In JSON Syntax, each name is followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by ; (semicolon).

Answer: False

Question 27: GSON can convert any Objects into JSON and vice versa.

Answer: False

Question 28: JavaScript function JSON.stringify() is to convert JSON Object into a string.

Answer: True

Question 29: Parse the data with JSON.parse() and the data becomes a JavaScript object.

Answer: True

Question 30: JSON.parse() function was developed as a safer alternative to _

Answer: eval()

Question 31: What are true about JSON Arrays?

Answer: { (square bracket) } is used to represent array

Question 32: GSON can convert any Objects into JSON and vice versa.

Answer: True

Question 33: Find the correct JSON code

Answer: nan

Question 34: "students": [ { "firstName":"Ali" , "lastName":"Khan" }, { "firstName":"John" , "lastName":"Sena" }, { "firstName":"Kate" , "lastName":"Winslet" } ] }

Answer: nan

Question 35: Functions added undef Native JSON is ____________________.

Answer: stringify()

Question 36: Which is true about JSON Syntax?

Answer: A string (in multiple quotes)

Question 37: What is/ are correct statements about JSON?

Answer: All of the options

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