Prometheus Final Assessment | Fresco Play

Prometheus Final Assessment | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 2 min read
Prometheus Final Assessment | Fresco Play

Question 1: What are the metric operation Prometheus supports

Answer: Aggregation Operations

Question 2: To query 99th percentile response time, the metrics should be of type

Answer: count

Question 3: _____ is used to push logs into Prometheus

Answer: Kafka

Question 4: Prometheus supports notification to bot and Jira

Answer: Yes, they are notified through webhook receiver

Question 5: When are push gateways used

Answer: All the options

Question 6: Prometheus is unidimensiona

Answer: True

Question 7: Which are the external systems, Prometheus alertmanager supports to notify

Answer: All the options

Question 8: Does Prometheus support creation of custom metrics

Answer: Yes, it does

Question 9: Alerts can be queried real-time.

Answer: Yes alerts can be queried during any state

Question 10: What are the types of monitoring available

Answer: Black box, White box and Gray box monitoring

Question 11: Grafana is the only visualization tool supported by Prometheus to view metrics

Answer: True

Question 12: Prometheus supports Service Discovery

Answer: True

Question 13: Which of the following is not a four golden signal for Service monitoring

Answer: Concurrency

Question 14: Does Prometheus support collecting metrics from third party systems

Answer: Yes, possible using various exporters available

Question 15: Host based metrics are exposed only at

Answer: /alerts end point

Question 16: Prometheus.yml file has the following targets configured. targets: localhost:9090 localhost:9100 localhost:9323 Which of the ports exposes what metrics

Answer: 9090 - Prometheus 9100 - Node exporter 9323 - Docker

Question 17: Reads from TSDB are performed ______ and Writes are performed _________

Answer: Vertically, Horizontally

Question 18: How can time series be queried for metrics

Answer: All the options

Question 19: Prometheus metrics can be visualized

Answer: All the options

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