AWS Essentials | Fresco Play

AWS Essentials | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
AWS Essentials | Fresco Play

Question 1: _____ mixes the simplicity of ________ with the power of _____, to great effect.

Answer: IaaS,SaaS,PaaS

Question 2: Developers and organizations all around the world leverage ______ extensively

Answer: PaaS

Question 3: The committee which designs the standards & characteristics for the cloud computing is

Answer: NIST

Question 4: Cloud-computing providers offer their services as ______________

Answer: IaaS,Paas,Saas

Question 5: I have some private servers on my premises, also I have distributed some of my workload on the public cloud, what is this architecture called?

Answer: Hybrid Cloud

Question 6: How can you integrate IAM with data centers security?

Answer: SAML

Question 7: All Amazon services supports region?

Answer: False

Question 8: Which is more secure?

Answer: VPC security group

Question 9: What does ARN stand for?

Answer: Amazon Resource Name

Question 10: Does Stopping and Terminating instances have same effect?

Answer: False

Question 11: What are the measures to be taken to ensure maximum availability?

Answer: Auto scaling in different Azs

Question 12: Which AWS services will you use to collect and process e-commerce data for near real-time analysis?

Answer: Both DynamoDB & Redshift

Question 13: EC2 stands for

Answer: Elastic Compute Cloud

Question 14: What is the maximum length of a file name in S3?

Answer: UTF-8 1024 bytes long

Question 15: Which of the following is not true about Amazon Glacier

Answer: Services enables rapid disaster recovery

Question 16: In S3, what does RRS stand for?

Answer: Reduced Redundancy Storage

Question 17: Only 1024 objects can be placed on S3 bucket?

Answer: False

Question 18: Amazon S3 is a,

Answer: Key-Based object store

Question 19: What’s the maximum size of the S3 bucket?

Answer: 5 TB

Question 20: You are using an S3 bucket through which you are running a photo sharing website. It is found that some of other sites owners also using you bucket URL and causing a loss to you business. How will you protect your buckets content from unauthorized usage?

Answer: Utilize bucket polices, ACLs, and user policies

Question 21: Amazon CloudFormation is a:

Answer: Deployment and management service

Question 22: Which service in AWS allows you to create and delete stacks of AWS resources which are defined in templates?

Answer: CloudFormation

Question 23: Autoscaling is enabled through

Answer: CloudWatch

Question 24: Which of the following is not true about Elastic Load Balancing

Answer: detects unhealthy instances and reroutes

Question 25: What metrics can be monitored through cloudwatch without being charged?

Answer: disk, CPU, data transfer

Question 26: Which of these services will help in better availability______

Answer: SNS and SES

Question 27: Which of these services are used to distribute content to end users using a global network of edge locations?

Answer: CloudFront

Question 28: A highly available and scalable domain name system web service

Answer: Amazon Route 53

Question 29: You are serving content from CloudFront. Which of the following happens to an end user's request?

Answer: The user's requests are routed to the edge location in the country from which the request originates

Question 30: Which of the following is not correct about CloudFront?

Answer: CloudFront can serve both static and dynamic content

Question 31: Does Amazon support region based services on all Services?

Answer: False

Question 32: Objects in S3 can be delivered through Amazon CloudFront

Answer: True

Question 33: EBS is not suited for applications that require a database, file system or access to raw block level storage

Answer: False

Question 34: Which is a fully managed desktop computing service

Answer: Amazon Workspaces

Question 35: When to choose C4 instances?

Answer: High compute and Moderate Memory footprint

Question 36: What happens when content is not present at an edge location and a request is made to it?

Answer: CloudFront delivers the content directly from the origin server and stores it in the cache of the edge location

Question 37: Which of the following can not be done using auto scaling ?

Answer: Add instances based on cpu utilization

Question 38: What does S3 stand for?

Answer: Simple Storage Service

Question 39: When you need to move data over long distances using the internet, for instance across countries or continents to your Amazon S3 bucket, which method or service will you use?

Answer: Amazon Transfer Acceleration

Question 40: Are the Reserved Instances available for Multi-AZ Deployments?

Answer: Available for all instance types

Question 41: Service-oriented architecture advocates____

Answer: EaaS

Question 42: If I want my instance to run on a single-tenant hardware, which value do I have to set the instance's tenancy attribute to?

Answer: Dedicated

Question 43: How can you restric the access to the contents delivered in cloudfron?

Answer: Origin access identity

Question 44: Route 53 can be used to route users to infrastructure outside of AWS

Answer: True

Question 45: What is boot time for an instance store backed instance?

Answer: Around 5 minutes

Question 46: How will you secure the data at rest in EBS?

Answer: restric access using IAM that prevents write operations to the EBS

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