User Research Methods | Fresco Play

User Research Methods | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
User Research Methods | Fresco Play

Question 1: Tree testing is not similar to card sorting.

Answer: False

Question 2: For users from other nationalities, it is enough to offer a product translated in their respective languages.

Answer: False

Question 3: It’s a sequential art, where images are arrayed together to visualize the story

Answer: Storyboard

Question 4: People with low uncertainty avoidance are restricted to new ideas.

Answer: False

Question 5: Surveys and questionnaires are primarily used for collecting information from a large number of users.

Answer: True

Question 6: A fictitious representation of a group of users is,

Answer: User Persona

Question 7: Card sorts are used to generate information architecture.

Answer: True

Question 8: If time is a constraint, the quickest deliverable format is an email message or word document.

Answer: True

Question 9: A Stakeholder could only be clients/customers.

Answer: False

Question 10: User Research is not the first step of a UX design process.

Answer: True

Question 11: Tree testing is similar to card sorting.

Answer: True

Question 12: A/B Testing involves having an experienced evaluator using his/her knowledge of testing products.

Answer: False

Question 13: Which of these techniques are used exclusively for designing hierarchy

Answer: Card Sorting

Question 14: Two types of benchmarking are:

Answer: Stand-alone and Competitive benchmarking

Question 15: What is key in a User Research?

Answer: Empathy

Question 16: Quick findings are comprehensive reports.

Answer: False

Question 17: Power Distance Index measures

Answer: the degree of a society’s level of inequality endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders

Question 18: The purpose of user research is

Answer: All of these

Question 19: People from this cultural group are not tolerant of new ideas and opinions that differ from their own

Answer: People with high uncertainty avoidance

Question 20: The systematic process of collecting and analyzing target customer data, the competition, and the target market environment to aid in making messaging, positioning and pricing decisions.

Answer: Market Research

Question 21: User Research is essential because

Answer: All of these

Question 22: Questionnaire mode of approach is qualitative research.

Answer: False

Question 23: A/B testing is done for specific aspects of hierarchy alone.

Answer: False

Question 24: People possessing this cultural trait take initiative and make their own decisions

Answer: Individualistic

Question 25: Technique used for evaluating findability of topics in a website

Answer: Tree test

Question 26: A Stakeholder is,

Answer: anyone with an interest in the project output

Question 27: Which technique involves having an experienced evaluator using his/her knowledge for testing products

Answer: Expert Review

Question 28: Contextual Interview can be done without users.

Answer: False

Question 29: This is an additional deliverable that gathers all recommendations together in a simple table format—usually in Word or Excel—with a brief summary of the findings that led to each recommendation and, often, a severity rating for each issue.

Answer: Findings and Recommendations Matrix

Question 30: Expert Reviews are conducted during the development phase.

Answer: False

Question 31: User Persona is a quantitative approach.

Answer: False

Question 32: Obvious limitation with surveys and questionnaires is

Answer: lack of any interaction between researcher and users

Question 33: In Usability tests, we test the interface's usability.

Answer: True

Question 34: One size fits all' should not be the focus of UX design.

Answer: True

Question 35: Surveys are quantitative mode of research.

Answer: True

Question 36: In this technique, users are provided with two or more options for choice

Answer: A/B tests

Question 37: People from this cultural group are more tolerant to new ideas and opinions that differ from their own

Answer: People with low uncertainty avoidance

Question 38: These are comprehensive reports

Answer: Detailed Reports

Question 39: Design should not be changed based on iterations.

Answer: False

Question 40: The techniques used to evaluate the hierarchy of a website

Answer: Card Sorting & Tree Testing

Question 41: This user research method comes from motion picture production

Answer: Role play

Question 42: Storyboards are illustrations that represent shots that ultimately represent a story.

Answer: True

Question 43: Which of the following is also known as split testing

Answer: A/B Testing

Question 44: People with low uncertainty avoidance

Answer: are restricted to new ideas

Question 45: A process which emphasizes the tasks users must perform and the situation in which the tasks are performed

Answer: Task Analysis

Question 46: User Research means

Answer: All of these

Question 47: Expert Review is done by end users.

Answer: False

Question 48: A casual form of testing where random users at a social or community location are asked to use the product and provide informal feedback.

Answer: Guerilla Testing

Question 49: People from collectivist culture prefer having “most popular” categories, testimonials, or social media sharing options to gather instant and personal feedback from friends.

Answer: True

Question 50: User Persona is a

Answer: Qualitative Approach

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