TCS Wings1 Business skills track 2 IMP Questions and answers - Part 9

TCS Wings1 Business skills track 2 IMP Questions and answers - Part 9

Saturday, March 9, 2024
~ 10 min read
Get ready for TCS Wings1 Business Skills Track 2 with these important questions and answers. Enhance your preparation and increase your chances of success. Best of luck!

Hey guys, here is the most asked TCS Wings1 Business skills track 2 IMP Questions and answers - Part 1

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151. Vicky overheard two members of the senior management discussing how the director had decided to enter into a new market, saying they would test out this field by first completing a small number of projects with an internal team. Vicky thought with excitement that this could be his big break. If he could get on the initial project team and the organization decided to invest in this new niche, in all possibility he could gain a promotion. Vicky spent the next few days slipping into conversations snippets of information relating to this market. Even in team meetings, Vicky would bring up this topic, highlighting his knowledge. A couple of weeks later, one of the senior management team came to meet Vicky's line manager to discuss putting together a team for a new specialist project. When the subject came up, the manager asked his team members if anyone had any expertise around it. Several people gave Vicky's name, and Vicky was immediately recruited for the project team. To which principle does the above passage refer?

a. Persuasion

b. Consistency Reciprocity

c. Social Proof

d. Authority

e. Liking

152. Breaking down a problem into its constituent parts during team discussion is one of the following steps in Standard Agenda? Identify the correct step.

a. Analyzing the problem

b. Evaluating the solution

c. Identification of the problem

d. Criteria development

153. ______ is a point made with reason and data as the basis

a. Logos

b. Ethos

c. Rhetoric

d. Pathos

154. My family doctor said that he would be performing a blood test on me when I visit him today. I know it will be painful. On which of the following assumptions does the above argument depend?

a. The needle will leave a bruise

b. The doctor will have a hard time finding the patient's vein

c. In the past, this patient has experienced pain with the family doctor.

d. The use of a needle always causes pain in the patient.

155. You meet with an acquaintance of yours and he/she asks you "How is business?", and you say, "Okay". What type of communication has taken place between both of you?

a. Fact

b. None of the options are correct.

c. ClichΓ©

d. Feeling

156. Which of the following statement about conflict is true?

a. Conflict does not always occur because of misunderstandings.

b. Conflict can always be avoided.

c. Conflict is always bad.

d. Disagreements always signal that the relationship is on the rocks

157. . Which of the following is a way to increase team participation?

a. Plan the meetings and share meeting agendas with people beforehand.

b. Encourage everyone to talk whenever they have something to say, even if another peson is talking.

c. Point out dominating behavior in the meeting

d. Ask the leader of the group to run the meeting and talk the most

158. View as that offer the opportunity to innovate.

a. Problems/Challenges

b. Challenges/Solutions

c. Challenges/Customers

d. Challenges/Problems

e. Customers issues/problems

159. Which are some of the aspects that are powered by team equity, one of the principles of problem-solving? Select all that apply.

a. Profits

b. Equality

c. Honor

d. Motivation

e. Actions

f. Power

g. Authority

160. To develop your creativity, you should

a. Allow to have pressure to produce immediate results.

b. Be willing to take risks.

c. Stick to the boundaries and go with the flow.

d. Commit yourself to developing your creativity.

e. Stick to your comfort zone and don't take new risks.

f. Reward your curiosity.

161. Which answer best describes creative thinking?

a. Using analysis to solve a problem.

b. None of the options are correct.

c. Using objective thoughts.

d. Looking for new ways to solve the problem

162. You are attempting to persuade the project manager to implement a costly revision to your back-office function. You know that the company is very concerned about costs, so you have formulated two alternate plans one which is less expensive and other one which is less comprehensive. When the time comes for your presentation, which of the following strategies should you use to obtain the optimal results (the greatest degree of change that the manager will support)?

a. Describe the mid-range revision first, and then ask the project manager if he/she would like to hear the alternate plans.

b. Describe the most expensive revision first, then the mid-range, and then the least expensive plan.

c. Describe the least expensive revision first

d. Ask the project manager which plan (least expensive/mid-range /most expensive) if she / he is most interested and then describe that plan only.

163. Which of the following statement is true in regard to 5Ws?

a. 5Ws are Who, why, When, Where and What not

b. It is primarily to identify "Who' has created the problem.

c. It helps in identifying the source of the problem.

d. It is used in the brainstorming session while creatively working on the solution.

164. The personalities of creative people tend to have all of the following characteristics except one of the following. Identify the exception.

a. Have a low tolerance for ambiguity and must have clear directions on all tasks.

b. None of the options are correct.

c. Frequently considered to be non-conformists and do not need strong approval from the group.

d. Can work along in isolation necessary for developing ideas.

165. Richie had a one-to-one discussion where he confided in the supervisor about a personal matter. He confessed that he is unable to handle his personal problems effectively. Once Richie left the office, the supervisor disclosed the confidential information with another colleague, and his conversation was overheard by a few employees in the office cubicle. Will the relationship between Richie and his supervisor be hampered because of this incident?

a. Richie is not to be faulted as his supervisor was unworthy of his trust

b. Relation will be hampered, and Richie needs to be blamed for his gullibility,

c. Not only would the relation with the supervisor be hampered, but also Richie will mistrust because of this experience.

d. Richie will never mistrust everyone because of this experience

e. Richie learns a lesson from this episode and maintains a distance with supervisor.

f. Richie has to put a hold for her work and has to go for a long leave and try to put an end to her personal problems.

166. ________ can cause people in a group to fail to express their true opinions.

a. Years of experience

b. Ambiguous responsibility

c. Group imbalance

d. Pressure to conform

167. Tinoy and you are part of a project and you have been given certain responsibilities to fulfil Tinoy being a responsible team mate completed his task on time. He always understands his role as a responsible team member and hence he flagged off his laptop issue (some technical defect) much in advance so that when the project starts, his work can move seamlessly. You are also a highly responsible person and quite skilled. Your work is to liaise with one of the team members from the COE team. However due to poor health condition of the associate from the COE team, your work got stuck. This impacted the overall project delivery. You are empathetic towards the associate from the COE team as he stays all alone in Mumbai and hence you decided to be supportive of him. Choose the correct option from below that fits in to the above situation

a. You might be a responsible individual; however, you did not display accountability. You should have looked for aliterate option when you got to know about the health issue of the team member from the COE team. Your timely action could have helped the project to get completed on time.

b. We all need to make choices many a time. You chose to prioritize health, relationship over work and there is no harm in it.

c. You should talk to any other team member who is close to you and seek their help

d. Above situation tells us that you are a responsible person

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