API Gateways | Fresco Play

API Gateways | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
API Gateways | Fresco Play

Question 1: An API call will be received by the gateway and will route it to the appropriate microservice.

Answer: True

Question 2: A variation for regular Gateway pattern is ______.

Answer: Backend for front end

Question 3: Ideally an application should use _____ protocols.

Answer: both of the options

Question 4: _____ helps in reducing latency during service calls.

Answer: Circuit Breaker

Question 5: _____ does not add anything new, it just re-exposes the existing API with some additional capabilities.

Answer: API Proxy

Question 6: Which service discovery requires an additional router?

Answer: server side discovery

Question 7: An API proxy can act as an API gateway.

Answer: False

Question 8: Which one of the following is not an API developer/manager lifecycle?

Answer: Explore

Question 9: API creation and management is done in ______.

Answer: API Publisher

Question 10: Which one of the following is an API consumer lifecycle?

Answer: Explore

Question 11: DoS Attacks are prevented using _______.

Answer: Traffic management

Question 12: The communication between the gateway and key management happens through a _____ call.

Answer: 1. HTTP 2. SOAP

Question 13: To avoid the gateway from making calls to key management frequently use Caching.

Answer: True

Question 14: Which of the following is not a function of analytic?

Answer: Enforce Rate Limiting Policy

Question 15: Bandwidth is one of the reason to enforce Rate-Limiting.

Answer: True

Question 16: All request will be proxied through Gateway, using their ______.

Answer: Application Name

Question 17: Which of the following is not a rate limiting types?

Answer: Bandwith specific Ratelimit

Question 18: A single service can have multiple endpoints.

Answer: True

Question 19: Which of the following is not a HTTP method?

Answer: UPDATE

Question 20: _____ is a URL that communicates with the API.

Answer: Endpoint

Question 21: _____ are identified using _____.

Answer: Resource, Endpoints

Question 22: Rate limiting based on the HTTP header is not possible.

Answer: False

Question 23: X-API-Version: 2 is _____ type of versioning.

Answer: Custom Header

Question 24: Which of the core modules of Swagger helps in creating Interactive documentation?

Answer: Swagger UI

Question 25: Which of the following is not an API Life-cycle?

Answer: Subscribed

Question 26: It is possible to test an API without subscribing.

Answer: True

Question 27: Which of the following is a type of documentation?

Answer: URL

Question 28: Swagger UI creates Documentation based on API Parameters.

Answer: True

Question 29: Deprecated API can still be used.

Answer: True

Question 30: API Documentation can be added using ______.

Answer: API publisher

Question 31: Oauth uses ____ to authenticate the users.

Answer: tokens

Question 32: Role based authentication is done using _____ setting.

Answer: Visibility

Question 33: Who manages the API lifecycle?

Answer: Publisher

Question 34: WSO2 store is a ______.

Answer: web application

Question 35: Monetization is one of the reason for Rate limiting.

Answer: True

Question 36: ______ is a process of storing server response at the client-end.

Answer: All the options

Question 37: WSO2 API publisher can be accessed through the address.

Answer: https://localhost:9443/publisher

Question 38: Which of the following are the parameters taken by Token APIs to generate tokens?

Answer: Resource

Question 39: A single API cannot be subscribed multiple times with many SLA levels.

Answer: False

Question 40: What HTTP Status Code 401 indicates?


Question 41: The default burst limit in AWS gateway is _____.

Answer: 1. 1000 2. 2000

Question 42: Which of the following is not a Netflix Open software service?

Answer: Kubernetes

Question 43: The tool that is used to develop API documentation is _____.

Answer: Swagger

Question 44: REST architecture treats every content as a _____.

Answer: Resource

Question 45: Gateway is capable of exposing a client to different APIs based on the devices.

Answer: True

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