Xamarin Exordium | Fresco Play

Xamarin Exordium | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
Xamarin Exordium | Fresco Play

Question 1: The major disadvantage of Xamarin is its disability to integrate with third party libraries written in Java, Objective C etc

Answer: False

Question 2: _____ is a cross-platform UI toolkit that allows developers to easily create native user interface layouts that can be shared across Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

Answer: Xamarin Forms

Question 3: What is Xamarin Insights ?

Answer: Analytics tool that answers vital questions about the health of your apps

Question 4: Which mobile platform uses Just In Time Compilation ?

Answer: Android

Question 5: Xamarin provides capabilities to test the app in ____

Answer: All the options

Question 6: What are the different Xamarin licence terms

Answer: All the options

Question 7: What is Linq ?

Answer: Programming language syntax that is used to query data.

Question 8: What is the role of Xaml in Xamarin ?

Answer: Create the UI interfaces

Question 9: Xamarin studio is a standalone IDE for cross-platform mobile application development based on open source project ____

Answer: MonoDevelop

Question 10: Xamarin mostly using _ paradigm

Answer: MVC

Question 11: iOS uses Ahead of Time Compilation to generate the executables

Answer: True

Question 12: Using Xamarin.Droid the Android specific UI code can be shared with other platforms

Answer: False

Question 13: At run time, Xamarin.Forms pages and controls will be

Answer: Mapped to platform-specific native user interface elements

Question 14: What are the different code sharing techniques in xamarin.forms?

Answer: Portable Libraries(PCL) and Shared Projects

Question 15: ___ is the prominent MVVM frameworks for Xamarin development.

Answer: MVVMLight and MVVMCross

Question 16: What are the advantages in using Xamarin for development ?

Answer: All the options

Question 17: __ use Storyboards for the presentation layer, created in Xcode.

Answer: iOS

Question 18: Method for sharing code between cross-platform applications

Answer: Shared Project

Question 19: What are the development approaches in Xamarin

Answer: Native and Forms

Question 20: How does Xamarin increase the ROI ?

Answer: Code reusability across platforms

Question 21: HTML5 and CSS3 are used in Xamarin.Forms for UI part

Answer: False

Question 22: What is the extension of the a class file in Xamarin

Answer: .cs

Question 23: Using Xamarin, there are limitations for direct access to device native APIs like Camera, Contact, Media etc.

Answer: False

Question 24: Using Xamarin

Answer: achieve almost native performance without any performance issues visible to the user

Question 25: Role of UITest component in Xamarin workspace ?

Answer: contains the UI code part shared across all the platforms

Question 26: Xamarin applications are compiled to

Answer: .app for iOS and .apk for Android

Question 27: What is the extension of the output files produced by Xamarin?

Answer: .ipa for iOS and apk for Android

Question 28: A Windows PC is a must to develop code for Android Phone in Xamarin.

Answer: False

Question 29: Xamarin .Forms UI can be build on

Answer: C# and XAML

Question 30: Languages supported in Xamarin development

Answer: C# and F#

Question 31: It is possible to write wearable application using Xamarin.

Answer: True

Question 32: Xamarin throws the Semantic type errors during _________

Answer: Compile time

Question 33: Which all are the Cross platform tools ?

Answer: All the options

Question 34: For Xamarin Forms based development for Android does not require Android Manifest file.

Answer: False

Question 35: How to launch an Actvity in Android ?

Answer: startActvity(Intent)

Question 36: Android uses ___ to create user interfaces

Answer: Views

Question 37: Xamarin offers 90% of code reusability by sharing the common code in a single code base for Android, iOS and Windows platforms. Remaining major part lies in,

Answer: UI Layer

Question 38: Xamarin.iOS is not available for Xamarin Studio on Windows.

Answer: True

Question 39: To generate iOS app on Windows OS , there must be a Mac computer accessible on same network.

Answer: True

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