Data Mining Methods Basics | Fresco Play

Data Mining Methods Basics | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Data Mining Methods Basics | Fresco Play

Question 1: Which of the following is not applicable to Data Mining?

Answer: Involves working with known information

Question 2: The process of extracting valid, useful, unknown info from data and using it to make proactive knowledge driven business is called

Answer: Data mining

Question 3: What is the other name for Data Preparation stage of Knowledge Discovery Process?

Answer: ETL

Question 4: Which of the following role is responsible for performing validation on analysis datasets?

Answer: Statisticians

Question 5: Which of the following activities is performed as part of data pre processing?

Answer: Detect Missing Values

Question 6: Which of the following modelling type should be used for Labelled data?

Answer: Predictive Modelling

Question 7: Noisy values are the values that are valid for the dataset, but are incorrectly recorded

Answer: True

Question 8: Which statistical technique deals with finding a structure in a collection of unlabeled data?

Answer: Clustering

Question 9: Probability of theft in an area is 0.03 with expected loss of 20% or 30% of things with probabilities 0.55 and 0.45. Insurance policy from A costs $150 pa with 100% repayment. Policy with B, costs $100 pa and first $500 of any loss has to be paid by the owner. Which data mining technique can be used to choose the policy?

Answer: Decision Tree

Question 10: What is the type of learning where a function is inferred to describe hidden structure from unlabeled data

Answer: Unsupervised Learning

Question 11: Statistical technique used for investigating and modelling the relationship between two or more variables is:

Answer: Regression analysis

Question 12: If time is used as an independent variable in a simple linear regression analysis, which of the following assumptions could be violated?

Answer: Successive observations of the dependent variable are uncorrelated

Question 13: Machine learning task of inferring a function from labelled training data is known as

Answer: Supervised Learning

Question 14: Which is the statistical technique used for investigating and modelling the relationship between two or more variables?

Answer: Regression analysis

Question 15: Regression is typically carried out to develop a mathematical model of the process

Answer: True

Question 16: Associate rule is known as _____________

Answer: Affinity analysis

Question 17: Which data mining method groups together objects that are similar to each other and dissimilar to the other objects?

Answer: Clustering

Question 18: Which of the following activities are performed as part of data pre processing?

Answer: All the options

Question 19: Which of the following are Multi-class Classification problem?

Answer: Is this movie a comedy, a documentary, or a thriller?

Question 20: _________ are the values that mark the boundaries of the confidence interval.

Answer: Confidence limits

Question 21: The process of extracting valid, useful, unknown info from data to make proactive knowledge driven business is called

Answer: Data mining

Question 22: Simulations are carried out to develop a mathematical model of the process

Answer: False

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