Digital for Industries | Fresco Play

Digital for Industries | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 2 min read
Digital for Industries | Fresco Play

Question 1: 3D printing is the popular consumer name for what accurate industry terminology?

Answer: Additive Manufacturing

Question 2: Overlaying Digital Information virtually in a physical world is called?

Answer: Augmented Reality

Question 3: Who founded PayPal?

Answer: Elon Musk

Question 4: What technology is transforming financial advisory services using Chatbots and Natural Language Processing

Answer: Robo Advisor

Question 5: The technology that allows companies to place ads on somebody else's website using cookies is called?

Answer: Retargeting

Question 6: The category of Machine Learning/AI algorithms used to detect insurance fraud is called?

Answer: Anomaly Detection

Question 7: What technology enables Amazon to identify which product has been picked up by which customer from their new Amazon:Go store

Answer: All

Question 8: What disruptive service, now available to everyone, was originally created to run and manage

Answer: Amazon Web Services

Question 9: The business model that leverages the power of social networks and reduced cost of discovery and coordination is called?

Answer: The Sharing Economy

Question 10: Which of these companies holds the record for being the largest provider of accommodation during the Football world cup in Brazil in 2014

Answer: Airbnb

Question 11: 5G Networks will enable

Answer: All the options

Question 12: The largest and most successful ever launch (in terms of revenue in the first 24 hours) of an entertainment product till date is

Answer: Fallout 4 (the game)

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