PowerShell | Fresco Play

PowerShell | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
PowerShell | Fresco Play

Question 1: Command to display process name and ID of all process is get-processĀ ______.

Answer: Both Select-Object and FT can be used

Question 2: Which is an equivalent PowerShell command for "ls"?

Answer: get-childitem

Question 3: PowerShell commands are case sensitive.

Answer: False

Question 4: The commandĀ Get-Process | Where-Object{$_.ProcessName -match "^p. *"}Ā filters the Processes by Process name and lists the Processes which

Answer: starts with Alphabet "P"

Question 5: Error Action Preference specifies the desired behavior forĀ ___________Ā in PowerShell

Answer: a non-terminating error

Question 6: To get customized outputĀ _________Ā cmdlet is used ____________.

Answer: Format-table

Question 7: PowerShell variables are used to storeĀ _______.

Answer: Strings and Number objects

Question 8: ISE is available fromĀ _______.

Answer: PowerShell 2.0

Question 9: PowerShell module can containĀ _______.

Answer: cmd lets, providers,fuctions, variables that can be imported as a single unit.

Question 10: Default version of PowerShell in Windows 10 is __________.

Answer: PowerShell 5.0

Question 11: PowerShell command to view all the properties of a specific Process like "Notepad" isĀ Get-Process notepad | Select-Object -Property *.

Answer: True

Question 12: Command to find the PowerShell Version is _____________.

Answer: $PSVersiontable

Question 13: Pssession isĀ ________.

Answer: 1. Created, Managed and closed by a local system 2. Created, Managed and closed by an application

Question 14: In the command below, how will the value of the variable "$name" be set? $ name=user1 Write-host "$name"

Answer: Value is already defined in the command

Question 15: Variables starts withĀ ______.

Answer: "$"

Question 16: Get-VariableĀ cmdlet displays the list of

Answer: Both Pre-Defined and User-Defined Variables

Question 17: Which of the following are Session Specific commands?

Answer: Both Shell Function and Alias Commands

Question 18: Integrated scripting environment isĀ ______Ā for PowerShell.

Answer: Host application

Question 19: IfĀ $Name="User1"Ā then the commandĀ $name.gettype()Ā provides the information on___________?

Answer: Both the options mentioned

Question 20: Open source of PowerShell version is available from the yearĀ _______.

Answer: 2016

Question 21: Sort-Object cmdlet is used to __________.

Answer: Sort the list f the object based on the selected property

Question 22: Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property Handles | Select-Object -Last 5Ā The output of the above command will be the

Answer: 1. List of all Processes sorted by "Handles" 2. List of all the Process

Question 23: In the following command, "-as secured string" is used to ___________. $ password=Read-host "Enter Your Password" -assecured string

Answer: To enter the password securely

Question 24: When PowerShell 2.0 is updated with PowerShell 3.0, then ___________.

Answer: PowerShell 2.0 is left on the System

Question 25: Which of the version of .Net Frame work is required to install PowerShell version 4?

Answer: .Net Framework 4.5

Question 26: Open Source Version of PowerShell contains full set of commands.

Answer: False

Question 27: PowerShell cmdlets performs system administration tasks such as managing ______________.

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 28: Package management module is available inĀ ________.

Answer: 1. PowerShell 4.0 2. PowerShell 3.0

Question 29: PowerShell for Ubuntu can be downloaded _______________.

Answer: As a Debian Package

Question 30: Alias name of the Format-table isĀ _________.

Answer: ft

Question 31: Read-Host cmdlet is used to ___________

Answer: Prompt the value of the variable interactively

Question 32: Command to display the examples of get-service ______________.

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 33: Write-host is used toĀ ______.

Answer: Display messages in the PowerShell console

Question 34: In Linux, Powershell is a built-in tool.

Answer: False

Question 35: _____________Ā is the feature of Commnd Line Tools.

Answer: Requires more time to learn and implement.

Question 36: Default version of PowerShell in Windows 7 isĀ _____________.

Answer: PowerShell 2.0

Question 37: Powershell is built onĀ _____________.

Answer: . Net framework

Question 38: Which of the following are Command Line Tools?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 39: Which is an equivalent PowerShell command for "cls"?

Answer: Clear-host

Question 40: List out the PowerShell command types.

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 41: What is the command to find total number of "FUNCTION" Commands?

Answer: (Get-Command -type function).count

Question 42: Ipconfig/flushdns can be used in PowerShell console.

Answer: True

Question 43: Foreach-Object cmdlet is used to __________.

Answer: Perform an action on each object

Question 44: Pipeline Symbol in PoweShell isĀ _____.

Answer: "|"

Question 45: Where-Object cmdlet is used to __________.

Answer: Filter the objects from the list

Question 46: Function of the Pipeline isĀ _______________.

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 47: Select-Object cmdlet is used to __________.

Answer: Display the list of objects based on the selected property

Question 48: To run ".PS1" files, the execution policy must be set to __________.

Answer: Remote Signed

Question 49: Shell isĀ _______Ā that is used to pass commands to the OS.

Answer: cmd interpreter

Question 50: What is the command to list out the files and folders in the directory?

Answer: Get-Childitem

Question 51: PowerShell command is inĀ ___________________Ā format.

Answer: Verb-Noun format

Question 52: Alias commands are ______________________.

Answer: External Commands

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