Advance Statistics & Probability | Fresco Play

Advance Statistics & Probability | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Advance Statistics & Probability | Fresco Play

Question 1: Principal component analysis reduces__

Answer: Large number of corelated variables

Question 2: Lurking variable remains__

Answer: Hidden during the analysis

Question 3: Least number of coordinates required to showcase a point is__

Answer: Dimension

Question 4: If the area under the PDF curve is zero, then__

Answer: Probability = 0

Question 5: Probability mass function is also known as__

Answer: Probability density function

Question 6: What is box kernel density estimate?

Answer: Block in the histogram is centered over the data points

Question 7: Characteristics of Markov process are__

Answer: Both of these

Question 8: What is data analysis?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 9: Which estimation can be represented by a single value?

Answer: Point estimation

Question 10: What is multivariate statistics?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 11: What is prior probability?

Answer: Probability distribution done in lack of evidence.

Question 12: What is kernel?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 13: In box kernel density estimation,__

Answer: The histogram is centered over the data points.

Question 14: What is parameter?

Answer: Both of these

Question 15: Stochastic variables are also known as__

Answer: Random variables

Question 16: What is posterior probability?

Answer: Conditional probabilty of the event after the evidence is taken into the consideration!

Question 17: Least number of coordinates required to showcase a point is__

Answer: Dimension

Question 18: Multivariate data analysis helps us to__

Answer: Both of these

Question 19: Use of only one variable to describe the data is known as__

Answer: Univariate data analysis

Question 20: __ is an example of Multivariate analysis in which relationship exist between a dependent variable and independent variable/s.

Answer: Partial least squares regression

Question 21: Pattern such as group or trend in the data table can not be studied using Multivariate data analysis.

Answer: Incorrect

Question 22: Independent variables refers to those variables__

Answer: Which acts as an input in the experiment.

Question 23: What is the drawback of using Kernel density estimation's Histogram method?

Answer: Plot is over smooth

Question 24: What is done when a new data in the sub Interval is added?

Answer: Height of the previous bin is doubled

Question 25: What are the features of multivariate random variable?

Answer: Both of these

Question 26: Multivariate data analysis is application of__

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 27: What is Random walk?

Answer: We can not predict the outcome in advance.

Question 28: We use __ in histogram for sub intervals.

Answer: "bins"

Question 29: If time space or state space is discrete,__

Answer: Markov process can be termed as discrete-time Markov chains

Question 30: What is estimation?

Answer: Both of these

Question 31: Dependent variables refers to those variables__

Answer: Whose variation is analysed.

Question 32: Amalgamation paradox is also known as__

Answer: Simpson's paradox

Question 33: What is Kernel density estimation?

Answer: It is the implementation of non - parametric density estimation.

Question 34: Features of probability density function are__

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 35: p(x|θ) is also known as the__

Answer: Estimation

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