Gradle | Fresco Play

Gradle | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
Gradle | Fresco Play

Question 1: Jobs are the unit of execution in Jenkins.

Answer: TRUE

Question 2: Which of the following statement is true about Jenkins?

Answer: ALL

Question 3: The plugins provided by jenkins supports

Answer: ALL

Question 4: Applying the Application plugin also implicitly applies the Java plugin.

Answer: True

Question 5: How to check gradle version?

Answer: gradle -v

Question 6: Gradle tasks can also be created and extended dynamically at runtime.

Answer: True

Question 7: In gradle the init task creates a Gradle project, which contains _______________.

Answer: all

Question 8: In gradle a disabled task is labelled as _________.


Question 9: Which task is added by wrapper plugin to the project?

Answer: wrapper

Question 10: The two build files generated by android studio are in ________________.

Answer: root fol of proj and app

Question 11: Gradle Build Init plugin is an automatically applied plugin.

Answer: True

Question 12: Which of the following is a quality plugin of Gradle?

Answer: all

Question 13: Lifecycle tasks typically have task actions.

Answer: False

Question 14: 15

Answer: Both

Question 15: In Gradle, the java plugin searches for java production source code in the directory ___________.

Answer: src/test/java

Question 16: Which of the following statements are true?

Answer: Only Maven script can be migrated to Gradle build script

Question 17: Which of the following is a quality plugin of Gradle?

Answer: pmd

Question 18: In gradle to specify, which projects belong to the build, and which file is used?

Answer: build.gradle

Question 19: Consider the following gradle build script: task a { doLast { println 'A' }} task b(dependsOn: a) { doLast { println 'B' }} task c(dependsOn: a){ DoLast { println 'C' }}

Answer: AC

Question 20: To execute the hello task in the build file, type ___ on the command line.

Answer: Both

Question 21: Multiline comments in Gradle build files are included using _____ .

Answer: /*ML*/

Question 22: Consider the following gradle build script: task a{ ext.myProperty = "Hello" } task b{ doLast { println a.myProperty println c.myProperty }} task c(dependsOn: b){ ext.myProperty = "Hey" println "Hi"} If the task gradle -q c is run, what is the output?

Answer: Hi hello hey

Question 23: Gradle build scripts are written in _________.

Answer: Scala

Question 24: Gradle build scripts use a combination of declarative and imperative statements.

Answer: TRUE

Question 25: Which plugins are configured while integrating gradle with Jenkins?

Answer: Gradle plugin and plugin of repository used

Question 26: Which are the two types of plugins in gradle?

Answer: Script and binary

Question 27: In Jenkins, a build job performs _______.

Answer: ALL

Question 28: Which method is used to attach a predicate to a skipping task?

Answer: SKIP()

Question 29: Gradle is an imperative build tool.

Answer: False

Question 30: Gradle wrapper makes the execution of the build independent of the installed Gradle version.

Answer: False

Question 31: The war plugin enables the default JAR archive generation of the Java plugin.

Answer: TRUE

Question 32: Which plugin facilitates creating an executable JVM application _________.


Question 33: To build Android project, which version of gradle is required?

Answer: 1.12

Question 34: The external dependencies for the build script are defined using ___________.

Answer: ALL

Question 35: Which of the following is Gradle's in-built task?

Answer: ALL

Question 36: The scala plugin applied in the gradle can deal with ____________.

Answer: ALL

Question 37: While building a java project with gradle, the JAR files are created in ____ after the execution of gradle build command.


Question 38: Java plugin is a binary plugin.

Answer: TRUE

Question 39: In the android plugin for gradle, which two properties on the android configuration block are required?

Answer: Build tool version and complie options

Question 40: Gradle dependencies are stored in builds.

Answer: False

Question 41: Gradle is a _______ based build tool.

Answer: JVM

Question 42: Which of the following statement is false?

Answer: Rich command line interface

Question 43: Finalizer tasks are automatically added to the task graph when the finalized task is scheduled to run.

Answer: False

Question 44: The wrapper plugin can be auto-applied to the root project of the current build without modifying the build.gradle file.

Answer: TRUE

Question 45: In android studio, what is the folder in which the build file is used to build the Android application?

Answer: gradle folder

Question 46: Running Gradle builds with the Daemon executes the build quickly.

Answer: TRUE

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