Info Visualization Festa | Fresco Play

Info Visualization Festa | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
Info Visualization Festa | Fresco Play

Question 1: When visualizing complex information, should one always try to show as much data as possible at any one time?

Answer: No

Question 2: List of numbers are usually best aligned: _______.

Answer: On decimal points

Question 3: Which is NOT a form of analysis commonly carried out with information visualization?

Answer: Theoretical analysis

Question 4: The advent of computing has _____________.

Answer: made information visualization easier with greater power and speed

Question 5: Which of the following is typically a less important purpose of visualization for the data consumer compared with the analyst?

Answer: Exploration

Question 6: Who created the world’s first statistical diagram?

Answer: Michael Florent van Langren

Question 7: Who wrote “The Future of Data Analytics”?

Answer: John Tukey

Question 8: What is graphical excellence related to?

Answer: Usability

Question 9: Who is considered to be the leading expert on information visualization?

Answer: Edward Tufte

Question 10: What is more likely to be true of an information visualization for analysts than consumers?

Answer: It will need to be an interactive representation

Question 11: Which of Tufte’s principles says you should not distort data?

Answer: Visual integrity

Question 12: For the data analyst, exploratory visualization is particularly difficult because ___________.

Answer: You don't know what you are looking for.

Question 13: What is the desired end point on the continuum of understanding?

Answer: Wisdom

Question 14: Which discipline was information visualization once considered to be a subset of?

Answer: Human Computer Interaction

Question 15: What is a common way to show univariate data?

Answer: Tabulated form

Question 16: What is Shneiderman's visualization mantra?

Answer: Overview first, zoom and filter, then details on demand

Question 17: Which of the following relationships would be suggested by the change in volume of a liquid over the course of a day?

Answer: Temporal relationship

Question 18: Which property is hardest to use successfully in information visualization?

Answer: Color

Question 19: Which of the following analyses is done when you have two dependent variables?

Answer: Bivariate analysis

Question 20: How many dimensions would you map a trivariate data set in?

Answer: Three

Question 21: Who said; “Use a picture. It’s worth a thousand words.”?

Answer: Tess Flanders

Question 22: Visual analytics is primarily about interactive visualization and ________.

Answer: Algorithmic processing

Question 23: Which of the following is NOT a type of data?

Answer: Numerate

Question 24: How would you commonly represent an edge on a network diagram?

Answer: A Line

Question 25: Who proposed the bifocal display?

Answer: Robert Spence

Question 26: Which of the following techniques uses a bifocal display and 3-dimensions to provide context?

Answer: Perspective Walls

Question 27: What is true of a node on a network diagram?

Answer: It may be either a physical or an abstract entity

Question 28: Which of the following is advice that you could give a designer to reduce information overload in their designs?

Answer: Make the data simpler to understand

Question 29: Which of the following data sets would typically require multivariate analysis?

Answer: The properties of different smartphones

Question 30: Which of the following is an example of hierarchical data we encounter regularly in real life in an interactive visualization format?

Answer: File directory

Question 31: What are the techniques employed to render multivariate analysis through information visualization?

Answer: All the options

Question 32: Information Scent helps you know about ________.

Answer: The future – the likelihood of finding the data you want as you perform new interactions

Question 33: Mind maps differ from concept maps in that they always work around a ______ central concept.

Answer: Double

Question 34: Who made the term “information overload” popular?

Answer: Alvin Toffler

Question 35: Which of the following is NOT a technique for reducing complexity in graphs?

Answer: Polar disparity curves

Question 36: The horizontal axis Cam Tree was developed from the vertical axis Cone Tree primarily because:

Answer: It allows longer labels

Question 37: Which of the following multivariate analysis tools has a series of axes emanating from a single central point?

Answer: Star plot

Question 38: Which analysis tool often uses clickable calendars, radio buttons, sliders, etc.?

Answer: Dynamic Querying

Question 39: Which analysis tool was invented by Xerox PARC?

Answer: MAGIC Lens

Question 40: Which of the following is a technique for reducing complexity in graphs?

Answer: Minimum Spanning Trees (MST)

Question 41: Which of the following is a good example of a hierarchical information visualization?

Answer: A tree map

Question 42: The scatter-gather browser used which visualization techniques for clusters?

Answer: Typical documents

Question 43: The 'dancing histogram' works because it __________.

Answer: Relaxes the constraint of which data series is at the base of the columns.

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