SASS - A CSS Preprocessor | Fresco Play

SASS - A CSS Preprocessor | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
SASS - A CSS Preprocessor | Fresco Play

Question 1: What does โ€œ#{ }โ€ syntax refer?

Answer: Interpolation

Question 2: Which directive is used to style block at top of the document?

Answer: @at-root

Question 3: Which directive displays an error message?

Answer: @error

Question 4: Which output style focuses on selectors rather than its properties?

Answer: Compact

Question 5: How many types of functions are there in SASS?

Answer: 7

Question 6: Which map function returns all keys in a map?

Answer: Map-key()

Question 7: which string function is used to retrieve specific part of the string

Answer: Str-slice()

Question 8: SASS is the only CSS preprocessor .

Answer: False

Question 9: Which directive is used to import files?

Answer: @import

Question 10: which output style allows to have white space for its selectors

Answer: Compressed

Question 11: which symbol is used to refer parent selector in SASS

Answer: &

Question 12: Which arguments are used to include arguments in the mixins?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 13: What is the correct way to define a variable in SASS?

Answer: #primary-color: #fff

Question 14: Which list function is used to return nth element of the list?

Answer: index()

Question 15: which numeric function is used to round up the number to whole

Answer: Ceil()

Question 16: How many output styles are there in SASS?

Answer: 4

Question 17: In how many ways SASS can be used?

Answer: 3

Question 18: Which selector function is used to select simple selector from compound selector?

Answer: Simple-selectors()

Question 19: Alpha() comes under which type of color function?

Answer: Opacity

Question 20: how many types of introspection functions are there in SASS

Answer: 13

Question 21: Which symbol is used to represent placehoder in SASS?

Answer: %

Question 22: Which directive is used to extend code of one selector to another?

Answer: @extend

Question 23: sass expression is a combination ofย ____________.

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 24: Which directive allows to output styles in a loop?

Answer: @for

Question 25: which selector function is used to replace the original selector

Answer: Selector-replace()

Question 26: Which datatype allows you to arthimetic operations along with color components?

Answer: color

Question 27: What are the most attractive features of SASS

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 28: How many syntaxes does sass support?

Answer: 2

Question 29: What are the key features of SASS?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 30: Which directive allows map and list values to iterate?

Answer: @each

Question 31: Which directive includes media rules in the stylesheet?

Answer: @media

Question 32: Which directive is used to used same code with different arguments

Answer: Mixins

Question 33: Which string function is used to give quotes to the string?

Answer: quote()

Question 34: Which directive is used to convert multiple sass files into single or multiple css files?

Answer: partial

Question 35: Which of the following are types of comments in SASS?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 36: Boolean operations can be performed using the following operators.

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 37: Which directive executes code based on the condition?

Answer: @if

Question 38: which directive is used to include the mixin in the code

Answer: @include

Question 39: Which command is used to detect the changes that are made to sass file?

Answer: Watch

Question 40: Which datatype allows you to represent multiple values using comma or space seperator?

Answer: list

Question 41: How can we set default value to the variable?

Answer: !default

Question 42: Who is the inventor of SASS?

Answer: Hampto Catlin

Question 43: Mixin-exists() is aย _________ย type of function.

Answer: Introspection

Question 44: Which datatype allows you to get result using map functions?

Answer: map

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