Microsoft Bot Framework | Fresco Play

Microsoft Bot Framework | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
Microsoft Bot Framework | Fresco Play

Question 1: How to bring in FormFlow namespace to the program?

Answer: import Microsoft.BotBuilder.FormFlow

Question 2: What kind of LUIS entity is Number?

Answer: Pre-built entity

Question 3: LUIS is cloud-based. True or False?

Answer: True

Question 4: QnA Maker requires no code. True or False?

Answer: True

Question 5: Which kind of API is QnA Maker?

Answer: REST

Question 6: Full form of LUIS?

Answer: Language Understanding Intelligence Service

Question 7: Which among the following is used to build the knowledge base?

Answer: QnA Maker

Question 8: Which method is used call another Dialog?

Answer: Context.Call()

Question 9: Which among the following is not a rich card?

Answer: Gif card

Question 10: A knowledge base generated by QnA Maker has which among the following?

Answer: All of these

Question 11: Which method is invoked upon navigation to a Dialog?

Answer: StartAsync()

Question 12: How do you prompt answer for a yes/no question in PromptDialog?

Answer: PromptDialog.Confirm()

Question 13: Name the method of PromptDialog used to prompt user for text input.

Answer: PromptDialog.Text()

Question 14: The method of PromptDialog that is used to prompt user to enter a double precision floating point number is _____ .

Answer: PromptDialog.Number()

Question 15: Name the cloud services platform of Microsoft.

Answer: Microsoft Azure

Question 16: Packages in Visual Studio are known as ____?

Answer: NuGet packages

Question 17: FormFlows are more flexible than Dialogs

Answer: False

Question 18: Which among the following kinds of documents can be used by QnA Maker?

Answer: Both Structured and Semi-structured

Question 19: Scorable cards must inherit which abstract class?

Answer: ScorableBase

Question 20: It is advisable to create a dialog stack. True or False?

Answer: True

Question 21: Which dialog has control at first?

Answer: RootDialog

Question 22: What can be used to render multiple rich cards at once?

Answer: Both List and Carousel

Question 23: In FormBuilder class of FormFlow, which method is used to define property names for which values must be obtained from user?

Answer: 1. Field() 2. getField()

Question 24: The image in Hero rich card is bigger than the one in Thumbnail rich card. True or False?

Answer: True

Question 25: How do you prompt for an attachemnt in PromptDialog() ?

Answer: PromptDialog.Attachment()

Question 26: It is mandatory for an intent to have at least one entity. True or False?

Answer: False

Question 27: What could be the intent in the utterance ”Set alarm for tomorrow morning” ?

Answer: SetAlarm

Question 28: Which method is used to give replies to the user?

Answer: Context.Reply()

Question 29: What is used to auto-generate dialogs for a guided conversation?

Answer: FormFlow

Question 30: Which among the following is an Activity type allowed by bot builder sdk?

Answer: Typing

Question 31: What is the term for the message that user sends to bot?

Answer: Utterance

Question 32: What kind of Dialog can be used to handle user interruptions like clicking 'Start over' ?

Answer: Scorable

Question 33: FormFlow and Dialog can be used together. True or False?

Answer: True

Question 34: A sign-in card is used to digitally sign receipts. True or False?

Answer: False

Question 35: Which platform does LUIS support?

Answer: All of these

Question 36: Which rich card can contain any combination of text, speech, images, buttons and input fields?

Answer: AdaptiveCard

Question 37: Mixing of intent and entity definitions is considered good practice. True or False?

Answer: False

Question 38: Which method is used to define the method that will be invoked once the FormBuilder is done in FormFlow?

Answer: OnCompletion()

Question 39: An entity is used only for a single intent. True or False?

Answer: False

Question 40: Bots using MBF and Azure does not need to be modified to be published across multiple channels. True or False?

Answer: True

Question 41: Which is the most common Activity type?

Answer: message

Question 42: Which method of PromptDialog is used to prompt user to select an option?

Answer: PromptDialog.Confirm()

Question 43: Which method is used to close a Dialog?

Answer: Context.Done()

Question 44: Which method is used to define the method that will be invoked when the next user message is received?

Answer: Context.Next()

Question 45: Rich cards are supported by all channels.

Answer: False

Question 46: Which of the following can be content can be displayed in a bot conversation?

Answer: All of these

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