Developer's Git | Fresco Play
Question 1: What is the GIT command to blow away all changes since last commit?
Answer: git checkout filename
Question 2: What is the GIT command to skip staging and directly commit the changes directly ?
Answer: git commit -a -m βmessage
Question 3: What does the command git add. do?
Answer: Adds all the files to staging area
Question 4: GIT takes care of access control.
Answer: False
Question 5: What is the GIT command to see all changes since the last commit ?
Answer: git status
Question 6: It is a good practice to use present tense in commit messages.
Answer: True
Question 7: GIT is a ___
Answer: Distributed Version Control System
Question 8: After performing several commits, or cloning a repository with an existing commit history
Answer: git log
Question 9: What does the following command perform? Git reset β- soft HEAD^
Answer: Move commit to one before current head
Question 10: When I run git fetch from my local repo it will update my local code?
Answer: False
Question 11: What is the git command to directly create and move to a new branch?
Answer: git checkout -b branchname
Question 12: What is the command to delete a branch in GIT?
Answer: git branch -d branchname
Question 13: What is the GIT command to create a branch?
Answer: git branch branchname
Question 14: What does the command git checkout branchname do?
Answer: Switches from main branch to the new branch
Question 15: What is a good practice to follow when you want to back up a local branch?
Answer: Push to remote repo
Question 16: What does the GIT command 'git remote prune origin' do?
Answer: Cleans up all remote stale repos
Question 17: What is the command to delete a remote branch in GIT?
Answer: git push origin : branchname
Question 18: A tag in GIT context is a
Answer: Reference to a specific commit
Question 19: What is the GIT command to see all the remote branches?
Answer: git branch -r
Question 20: If you want to list all the changes and know who made them at what time , what command should you use?
Answer: git blame
Question 21: If you want to see the changes since last commit in a specific file, what command should you use?
Answer: git diff filename
Question 22: What is the output of the following code 'git log β- pretty = oneline'?
Answer: Display one commit per line with SHA in the beginning
Question 23: What is the GIT command to view the log with code level changes?
Answer: git log - - oneline β p
Question 24: It is a good practice to include log files inside a repository.
Answer: False
Question 25: What does the command 'git log - - oneline β graph' do?
Answer: Visual representation of the branch merging into master
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