Automation with Grunt | Fresco Play

Automation with Grunt | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Automation with Grunt | Fresco Play

Question 1: Registering of tasks happens within

Answer: Gruntfile

Question 2: Grunt.js helps with simplification through automation. Is this true or false ?

Answer: True

Question 3: Presence of _______ is must is to proceed ahead with installation of grunt

Answer: Node.js

Question 4: Which takes care of performing the repetitive mundane work in Grunt.js?

Answer: Task runner

Question 5: The 3 main actions to be performed in gruntfile include

Answer: Configurations , loading plug-ins, Register tasks

Question 6: The number of plug-ins available in grunt is around

Answer: 6000+

Question 7: Which of these is officially maintained grunt plug in?

Answer: contrib-less

Question 8: Grunt does not allow users to add their custom developed plug-ins and publish them to npm.

Answer: False

Question 9: Grunt prefers____ model approach to coding.

Answer: Configuration

Question 10: CSS with superpowers' : This refers to _____________

Answer: SASS

Question 11: How can one reduce the size of images using grunt?

Answer: grunt-contrib-imagemin

Question 12: Which plug-in assists with cleaning of the unwanted folders & files

Answer: grunt-contrib-clean

Question 13: After installing any plug-ins, the file which would reflect the dependency changes automatically ________________

Answer: package.json

Question 14: Which plug-in takes care of sending automatic notifications?

Answer: grunt-notify

Question 15: Which plug-in helps with revisioning the files ?

Answer: grunt-filerev

Question 16: Which grunt plug-in would be of use if you would like to monitor set of .js files and take any appropriate actions if any changes happens to them?

Answer: Watch

Question 17: The grunt plug-in to remove any unwanted CSS within project is _________

Answer: grunt-uncss

Question 18: After installing the required plug-ins, the next activity would be _______

Answer: Add the plug-in in gruntfile through loadNpmTasks

Question 19: Can one create his own plug-in and add to the grunt library ?

Answer: Yes

Question 20: While installing grunt.js, the cli in "$ npm install grunt-cli -g" represents

Answer: Command line interface

Question 21: The final step of creating a plug-in is

Answer: publish

Question 22: Which plug-in assists with injection of bower dependency code ?

Answer: grunt-wiredep

Question 23: Which plug-in helps with validation of the js files ?

Answer: grunt-contrib-jshint

Question 24: Which of these is not an example of the operations of the Task runner?

Answer: Splitting files

Question 25: SASS expands to ______________

Answer: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets

Question 26: The plug-in used for Uglify is

Answer: contrib-uglify

Question 27: While installing grunt.js, the g in "$ npm install grunt-cli -g" represents

Answer: Global

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