Continuous Integration | Fresco Play

Continuous Integration | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
Continuous Integration | Fresco Play

Question 1: Feature branching is used to _.

Answer: Work on user stories

Question 2: Release branches are created for resolving merge conflicts.

Answer: False

Question 3: Which is NOT a benefit of CI ?

Answer: Bugs and defects no longer occur

Question 4: Activities that are part of continuous integration.

Answer: All of the Options

Question 5: Which is not a CI practice ?

Answer: Deploy to production

Question 6: Which is NOT true about continuous integration ?

Answer: Involves moving code in large amounts

Question 7: Work Branch is also known as_.

Answer: Codeline

Question 8: Git is a _ version control system.

Answer: Distributed

Question 9: Time taken to fix a broken build is measured using __.

Answer: Build repair rate

Question 10: __ is a .Net build tool.

Answer: Nant

Question 11: Pipeline break and build break is one and the same.

Answer: False

Question 12: Capablility of your build system to handle an increase in the amount of code that it integrates and analyzes is known as .

Answer: Build scalability

Question 13: Complexity of a code is determined based on ___.

Answer: Cyclomatic Complexity Number

Question 14: _ is a measure of incoming dependencies.

Answer: Afferent Coupling

Question 15: Private builds are executed after moving the changes to version control.

Answer: False

Question 16: Build can be triggered by a version control tool.

Answer: True

Question 17: Release builds can be triggered ___.

Answer: All of the options

Question 18: is a continuous integration server.

Answer: Maven

Question 19: Jabber is a :

Answer: Messaging plugin

Question 20: Staged builds include _.

Answer: Secondary builds

Question 21: Trunk is also known as ____.

Answer: Mainline

Question 22: Practice of developers integrating changes directly in the feature or work branches and commiting the changes at the end to the mainline is known as _.

Answer: Continuous Integration

Question 23: Faster feedback can be received by ___.

Answer: Staging builds

Question 24: Commiting a code change, when the inspection fails , is perfectly fine as the code logic is working fine anyway.

Answer: False

Question 25: ____ helps in differentiating the environments.

Answer: Configuration files

Question 26: Which is the first code analysis to be executed ?

Answer: unit test

Question 27: Control flow graph is used to calculate _.

Answer: Cyclomatic Complexity

Question 28: CI pipeline consists of .

Answer: Stages

Question 29: Which of the tools is not used for establishing a pipeline workflow ?

Answer: 1. Teamcity 2. Jenkins

Question 30: Arrange in order

Answer: A. Running Unit Test B.Running Static Code Check C.Check for Code Coverage D. Build Package

Question 31: Git, Mercurial and Subversion are centralized version control tools.

Answer: False

Question 32: How are component dependencies injected in a workflow ?

Answer: Build package first and then perform the remaining tasks

Question 33: Staged builds include _.

Answer: Commit builds

Question 34: CI servers use the _ expression to poll for changes.

Answer: CRON

Question 35: Efferent Coupling is a measure of .

Answer: Outgoing dependencies

Question 36: Teamcity is a .

Answer: Build Scheduler

Question 37: Component test is executed as part of _.

Answer: Integration Build

Question 38: CCMetrics is used to identify _.

Answer: Code Complexity

Question 39: Which of the following is an artifact repository ?

Answer: Nexus

Question 40: Feature toggle can be used in the following scenarios .

Answer: Disabling or Hiding a feature

Question 41: Code changes can be hidden,enabled or disabled using ___.

Answer: Feature Toggles

Question 42: _ is a code coverage tool.

Answer: Cobertura

Question 43: Which of these is not mandated for a CI pipeline ?

Answer: Application code

Question 44: Does CI pipeline need to have all the software development functionalities integrated in place ?

Answer: False

Question 45: Which of the tools is not mandated for integration in a CI pipeline ?

Answer: Chef

Question 46: ________ is an independent line of work.

Answer: Branch

Question 47: ____________ branches are created for logical changes.

Answer: Both the options

Question 48: In a normal scenario, software from ____________ is deployed to production.

Answer: Master branch

Question 49: Changing code without changing behaviour is refactoring

Answer: Refactoring

Question 50: What are the reasons for a build to fail ?

Answer: None of the options

Question 51: CCMetrics is a measure of number of non-linearly independent paths.

Answer: False

Question 52: IBM Clearcase is a __________ version control

Answer: streambased

Question 53: Which is the most important operational parameter in CI ?

Answer: Quality

Question 54: Functional testing can be automated using Jenkins.

Answer: True

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