Data Privacy | Course: 64091 | TCS Mandatory Course

Data Privacy | Course: 64091 | TCS Mandatory Course

Saturday, June 10, 2023
~ 3 min read
Data Privacy course: 64091 is the mandatory course in TCS as a organization. All employee have to complete this course. So here are the asnwers.

Hey 🖐🏻, please find the Data Privacy (Course: 64091) answers below:



Que: From the following options, select the one that you should NOT do in order to keep your personal information secure (for employees).

Ans: Dispose of confidential paper waste just by tearing and not shredding



Que: Data privacy is a

Ans: Personal right



Que: A utilities organization (water, electricity) engages a company, which operates call centers to provide many of its customer services functions on its behalf. The call center staff has access to various information of uțilities organization, such as company's customer records for providing those services. But, they may only use the information for specific purposes and in accordance with strict contractual arrangements. From the following options, select the statement that holds true.

Ans: The utilities company remains the data controller, while call center is the data processor.



Que: From the following options, select the one that you should NOT do in order to keep your personal information secure (for employees).

Ans: Dispose of confidential paper waste just by tearing and not shredding



Que: Data Privacy is a matter of

Ans: Human dienity and personal liberty



Que: What is more important - data security or data privacy or data utility?

Ans: All of them



Que: Privacy is a part of overall security in the organization. True/False?

Ans: Sometimes true



Que: Which of the following is true:

Ans: A security incident is always a privacy incident



Que: Select right option:

Ans: Every organization is data controller



Que: Where would you generally find TCS Global privacy policy?

Ans: IQMS WiKi



Que: Which of the following is an example of Personal Information (PI) processing in TCS?

Ans: All of the above

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