TCS Wings1 Business skills track 2 IMP Questions and answers - Part 3

TCS Wings1 Business skills track 2 IMP Questions and answers - Part 3

Saturday, March 9, 2024
~ 8 min read
Get ready for TCS Wings1 Business Skills Track 2 with these important questions and answers. Enhance your preparation and increase your chances of success. Best of luck!

Hey guys, here is the most asked TCS Wings1 Business skills track 2 IMP Questions and answers - Part 3

Prepare well 👍 Best of Luck everyone 😊✔

Part 1

Part 2

Question 1: A few days after the sprint planning, the Product Owner finds that it makes sense to develop another new functionality. Which two of the following statements are correct?

A. The Developers will add the new item to the Sprint Backlog

B. The Product Owner can add the new item in the product backlog in the next sprint planning. Then the Product Owner can bring that up for the developers selection.

C. If the Developers agree, the Product Owner can swap an existing functionality in the current sprint, for the new functionality.

D. The Developers should obtain the Scrum Master’s approval to add this to the Sprint Backlog

Answer: B,C

Question 2: Ryan delegated some of his tasks to his colleagues. He carefully explained the tasks to be performed and the performance standards by which the tasks would be judged. How should Ryan follow up with his colleagues? Select all that apply.

A. He should set up a due date for the tasks and email reminders along the way.

B. He should appoint another senior employee to monitor the employees progress.

C. He should set a due date and allow the employee “space” to complete the tasks without any interference

D. He should make himself available to answer further questions and provide additional inputs if necessary

E. He should monitor the employees progress daily, correcting any performance issues immediately.

Answer: C, D

Question 3: We have several theories of perception that are related to the head and the heart. Select the most appropriate assumption.

A. People's behavior and action are extrinsically linked to their mother and father’s parenting style, and the behavior and actions of siblings.

B. People need a way to judge which stories are believable and which are not

C. How people process information about the world can play an important part in what kind of message they find most persuasive

D. People need to understand messages regardless of who seeks to persuade them

Answer: C

Question 4: Tinoy and you are part of a project and you have been given certain responsibilities to fulfill. Tinoy being a responsible team mate completed his task on time. He always understands his role as a responsible team member and hence he flagged off his laptop issue (some technical defect) much in advance so that when the project starts his work can move seamlessly. You are also a highly responsible person and quite skilled. Your work is to liaise with one of the team members from the COE team. However, due to Poor health condition of the associate from the COE team, your work got stuck. This impacted the overall project delivery. You are empathetic towards the associate from the COE team as he stays all alone in Mumbai and hence you decided to be supportive of him. Choose the correct option from below that fits into the above situation.

A. This situation tells us that you are a responsible person

B. We need to make choices many times. You chose to prioritize health, relationship over work and there is no harm in it.

C. You should talk to any other team member who is close to you and seek their help

D. You might be a responsible individual, however you did not display accountability. You should have looked for an alternate option when you got to know about the health issue of the team member from the COE team. Your timely action could have helped the project to get completed in time.

Answer: D

Question 5: When working to resolve an issue and achieve a win-win solution to a conflict, it is most effective to use __________ and ___________ technique.

A. Compromise / Forcing

B. Competition / Forcing

C. Confrontation / Problem Solving

D. Forcing / Problem Solving

E. Competition / Confrontation

Answer: C

Question 6: When an acquaintance of yours asks you, “How is business”? You respond saying “stakes are up by 14% what about yours at this time?”. What type of communication has taken place between both of you?

A. None of the options are correct

B. Feeling

C. Opinion

D. Fact

Answer: D

Question 7: Aman’s team gathers for the monthly progress and problem report about reaching individual and departmental objectives. Choose the option that best describes the meeting.

A. Only a few team members are concerned about the impact of their presentation, they attempt to blame each other within the team

B. There is an open and realistic sharing of both progress and problems.

C. One clique exists within this team, and their presentations sound about the same political stuff.

D. It is obvious that most members play the political game

Answer: B

Question 8: Which technique of negotiation makes use of a 'divide and conquer' process of threats and alliances to overcome opposition. Select the most appropriate.

A. Quivering Pen Technique

B. Vice Technique

C. Nibble Technique

D. Salami Technique

Answer: D

Question 9: How to apply analytical thinking while problem solving? Select all that apply.

A. Adopt a creative approach.

B. Process and synthesis.

C. Be in this stage of gestation.

D. Think in layers.

E. Take a step back.

F. Always stick to the traditional approach.

G. Go with the flow of the problems.

Answer: A, B, D, E

Question 10: Identify the barriers to problem solving

A. Assumptions

B. Guided approach

C. Differentiating fact from opinion

D. Data driven approach

E. Prejudice

Answer: A, E

Question 11: Choose the reason that classify the problem as complex problem

A. It is binary

B. It has high level difficulty

C. It has a very simple way of solving

D. It has many components

E. It involves too many unknowns

Answer: B, D, E

Question 12: Teams are effective for complex tasks because they produce a great number of ideas and commitment to the decisions.

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question 13: Product is the center of the ___________

A. Project procedure model

B. Traditional and agile model

C. Traditional risk management model

D. Design thinking model

Answer: D

Question 14: What are the elements of conversation ?

A. Plan, Prepare, Listen, Close & Clarify along the way

B. Think, Learn , Know, Say, Close and Clarify

C. Think, Know, Say, Close and Clarify

D. Plan, Prepare, Close & Clarify along the way

Answer: D

Question 15: Select the options applicable to Agile Mindset

A. Stubbornness

B. Positive Mindset

C. Thirst of Knowledge

D. Hard thinking

E. Goal of team success

F. Willingness to fail

Answer: B, C, E, F

Question 16: The technique of negotiation in which we keep asking for small items, one at a time, until we are getting agreement that we have gotten a lot is _______.

A. Quivering Pen Technique

B. Vice Technique

C. Nibble Technique

D. Salami Technique

Answer: C

Question 17: Which Acronym is related to the GOAL setting. Select the appropriate option

A. TED (Tell me, explain to me, describe to me)

B. KISS (Keep it simple, stupid)

C. SMART (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound)

D. WIIFM (What’s in it for me)

Answer: C

Part 1

Part 2

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