Data Visualization using R | Fresco Play

Data Visualization using R | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
Data Visualization using R | Fresco Play

Question 1: graphics,ggplot2 packages qualify for ___

Answer: Visualization Packages

Question 2: Scatterplot Matrix is an example of __ type of visualization.

Answer: Multivariate Visualization

Question 3: Which command in R, lists the available Datasets in R

Answer: data()

Question 4: Title of the plot is provided by the variable

Answer: main

Question 5: In the plot, to add label to the horizontal axis the variable to be configured is

Answer: xlab()

Question 6: Histograms , Density Plots are examples of which type of visualization?

Answer: Univariate Visualization

Question 7: How can we find the different parameters available ?

Answer: par()

Question 8: Histogram is mainly used as visual representation of _

Answer: distribution

Question 9: Which parameter in R helps to decide the number of bins which we want to manually override?

Answer: breaks

Question 10: Which parameter decides the line type & plot symbol respectively?

Answer: Ich & pty

Question 11: In case of the plot, which parameter decides whether the plot should be line or points or both?

Answer: type

Question 12: The vertical axis label is provided by the parameter

Answer: ylab

Question 13: To reset the grid to normal layout, after displaying multiple charts in single view could be obtained by

Answer: par(mfcol=c(1,1)

Question 14: Which parameter could be used to convert stacked barplot into grouped bar plot?

Answer: beside=TRUE

Question 15: If one would like to visualize 6 graphs in single view with graphs scaling in row wise fashion (2 rows)

Answer: par(mfrow=c(2,3))

Question 16: Which parameter is helpful to swap the chart from x-axis to y-axis?

Answer: horiz=true

Question 17: Barchart represents visual display of of category of categorical variable

Answer: frequency

Question 18: Customizing the way your graphs could be arranged can be configured using _

Answer: layout()

Question 19: Which argument helps in changing the size of plotting characters?

Answer: CEX

Question 20: Stratified boxplots are useful for examining the relationship between a categorical variable and a numeric variable.

Answer: True

Question 21: col.main=4, will change size of the font ?

Answer: False

Question 22: Which plot would be applicable for summarizing the value of numeric variable

Answer: Boxplot

Question 23: Which parameter removed the X & Y axis

Answer: axes=F

Question 24: If in the Notched boxplot does not overlap, it means___

Answer: Medians do not overlap

Question 25: Which command allows to place the text within the graph?

Answer: text

Question 26: Which text feature allows the text to written along the margin of the graph?

Answer: mtext

Question 27: Which of this is limitation of lattice plots?

Answer: All options

Question 28: Lattice package supports the generation of trellis graphs (graphs that display a variable or the relationship between variables, conditioned on one or more other variables)

Answer: True

Question 29: In lattice, ~x|A refers to

Answer: display numeric variable x for each level of factor A

Question 30: In lattice,y~x | A*B refers to

Answer: Display the relationship between numeric variables y and x separately for every combination of factor A and B levels

Question 31: Using ggplot2 for multifaceted diagram, the deciding variable on the number of rows or columns is

Answer: ,(comma)

Question 32: Aesthetics in ggplot2 refers to

Answer: The grey zone around the geom("smooth") line refers to

Question 33: In multifaceted plot, how many columns will be formed when facets is mentioned as facets=.~drv

Answer: points,lines

Question 34: In multifaceted plot, how many columns will be formed when facets is mentioned as facets=drv~.

Answer: always 1 column

Question 35: Factors represent the subset of the data and they should be properly labelled

Answer: True

Question 36: In multifaceted plot, how many rows will be formed when facets is mentioned as facets=.~drv

Answer: always 1 row

Question 37: What does gg in ggplot2 refer to

Answer: Grammar of Graphics

Question 38: In multifaceted plot, how many rows will be formed when facets is mentioned as facets=drv~.

Answer: depends on drv

Question 39: ggplot2 allows to add features layer by layer

Answer: True

Question 40: In ggplot2, which function decides the object printing ____

Answer: geom_point()

Question 41: The functions which assist in labelling of the functions is _

Answer: all options

Question 42: Which feature in R allows to add new graph on top another existing graph?

Answer: parch

Question 43: While adding text to graph, adj=0 refers to ?

Answer: Text will start at mentioned axis position

Question 44: scatterplot in lattice is represented by _________

Answer: 1. boxplot 2. xyplot

Question 45: Changing the font size of the axis labels could be accomplished using the following font

Answer: pch.axis

Question 46: ggplot2 requires the data to be in

Answer: dataframe format

Question 47: Aesthetics in ggplot2 refers to

Answer: Size,shape,color

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