Leading and Managing Teams in a Digital World | Fresco Play

Leading and Managing Teams in a Digital World | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 1 min read
Leading and Managing Teams in a Digital World | Fresco Play

Question 1: Gamification is

Answer: the use of behavioural economics and persuasive design principles to nudge users to change behaviour

Question 2: What is Baxter?

Answer: A general purpose programmable physical Robot

Question 3: CI/CD stands for

Answer: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

Question 4: Which of these are advantages of DevOps

Answer: All the options

Question 5: What AI techniques are used in Chatbots?

Answer: All of them

Question 6: Hubot and Lita are

Answer: Chatbot frameworks

Question 7: The 70-20-10 principle of Learning implies that

Answer: 10% of learning comes from formal training

Question 8: Which of the following is an incremental innovation

Answer: All the options

Question 9: Which of the following was an example of a disruptive innovation

Answer: Apple iPod

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