Docker Swarm | Fresco Play

Docker Swarm | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
Docker Swarm | Fresco Play

Question 1: Which of the following is not a node type in Docker Swarm

Answer: Scheduler node

Question 2: Per Raft algorithm, system can tolerate ___ failures

Answer: (N-1)/2

Question 3: Per Raft algorithm, system requires majority of ____ members to agree on values proposed to the cluster

Answer: (N/2)+1

Question 4: Command to list the services running

Answer: docker service ls

Question 5: Which of the following is a valid command to create a service

Answer: docker service create --name service1 -d -p 80:80 tomcat

Question 6: Command to list the nodes currently available as a part of Swarm

Answer: docker node ls

Question 7: Docker swarm command to apply rolling update on a tomcat service image version

Answer: docker service update --image tomcat 9.0

Question 8: Technique used by Docker Swarm mode to enable multi- host networking

Answer: Routing Mesh

Question 9: Docker assigns service a ______ for the clients to identify the service

Answer: None of the options

Question 10: Swarm mode has an inbuilt load balancer

Answer: ingress

Question 11: Swarm task status when the task is initialized

Answer: New

Question 12: Worker Node is responsible for container Orchestration

Answer: False

Question 13: Manager node can also act as a worker node

Answer: True

Question 14: Which is not a valid way to create a docker service

Answer: UCB Web UI

Question 15: When a task stops, it isn’t executed again, but a new task may take its place.

Answer: True

Question 16: Docker swarm command to list the task running on the manager node

Answer: docker node ps self

Question 17: Docker swarm command to autolock swarm when initialized

Answer: docker swarm init –autolock

Question 18: In Docker Swarm , all communication between nodes happens through Transport Layer Security

Answer: True

Question 19: Swarm task is

Answer: Unidirectional

Question 20: Which is not a valid way to configure a pending service

Answer: None of the options

Question 21: Docker swarm command to inspect the new swarm service created

Answer: docker service inspect

Question 22: command to list the tasks running on a service

Answer: docker service ps

Question 23: bridge network that connects hosts ports to container ports in overlay network.

Answer: docker gwbridge network

Question 24: In Docker Swarm, you can define the task and container relationship as

Answer: one to one

Question 25: Which is not a correct type of service deployments for Docker Swarm

Answer: Series

Question 26: Assume a Swarm cluster has 7 Swarm managers. System can tolerate _____ no. of failures

Answer: 3

Question 27: Global service runs one task per worker node

Answer: True

Question 28: Docker swarm command to activate a drain worker node

Answer: docker node update --availability=active

Question 29: Docker swarm command to scale an existing service by 5 instances

Answer: docker service scale =5

Question 30: What happens to the current task when the availability of Active node is modified as Drain Node?

Answer: Task continues to run

Question 31: _____ in the worker node executes the task on behalf of the worker node

Answer: Executor

Question 32: No. of tokens generated when the master node is initialized in swarm mode

Answer: two

Question 33: Docker swarm command to remove a service

Answer: docker service rm

Question 34: Maximum number of tasks that can be executed in a Drain node

Answer: False

Question 35: $docker service create --name Test --secret secret1 redis. Which of the following is incorrect w.r.t the output for this command

Answer: create a redis image for a service

Question 36: Maximum number of master nodes in a swarm recommended by Docker

Answer: 7

Question 37: Command to get details on docker swarm commands

Answer: docker swarm help

Question 38: Docker command to initialize docker swarm

Answer: docker swarm init

Question 39: Docker swarm command to drain a worker node

Answer: docker node update --availability=drain

Question 40: Docker command to list the secrets

Answer: docker secret ls

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