Association Rule Mining | Fresco Play

Association Rule Mining | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 2 min read
Association Rule Mining | Fresco Play

Question 1: What is the confidence for Screen Guard -> Mobile Cover ?

Answer: 0.5

Question 2: What is the support for Screen Guard ?

Answer: 0.8

Question 3: What is the support for Power Bank ?

Answer: 0.6

Question 4: What is the confidence for Power Bank -> Mobile Cover ?

Answer: 0.33

Question 5: In the Association Rule [ Screen Guard , Mobile Cover -> Power Bank ] , what is the consequent ?

Answer: Power Bank

Question 6: Proportion of transactions with A and B / (Proportion of transactions with A) * (Proportion of transactions with B) . What is this formula ?

Answer: lift(A-->B)

Question 7: What are the pre-requisites for generating an Association Rule ?

Answer: Support and Confidence

Question 8: You are a Data Scientist in an e-commerce company . You are analyzing all the transactions that happened over the past 1 week in your site. You observe that of the five hundred transactions that happened , two hundred of them had a mobile phone in them. What is the support for mobile phones in the last 1 week ?

Answer: 0.4

Question 9: Which property states that an itemset can be considered frequent only if all the items in the set are frequent ?

Answer: Upward Closure Property

Question 10: Left hand side of an Association Rule is called ?

Answer: Antecedent

Question 11: What metric is first calculated for each item in the apriori algorithm ?

Answer: Support

Question 12: The confidence of (A->B) is not always same as confidence of (B->A)

Answer: True

Question 13: The FP Growth algorithm is not memory efficient.

Answer: False

Question 14: What is considered a challenge in implementing the Apriori Algorithm ?

Answer: Sometimes too few item sets that satisfy the minimum support

Question 15: Right hand side of an Association Rule is called ?

Answer: Consequent

Question 16: nan

Answer: nan

Question 17: nan

Answer: nan

Question 18:

Answer: nan

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