Usability priniciples | Fresco Play

Usability priniciples | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 8 min read
Usability priniciples | Fresco Play

Question 1: The download icon looks like a print icon. Which Usability heuristic is affected here?

Answer: Affordance

Question 2: If a user is able to perform a specific task, it is definitely a good UX.

Answer: False

Question 3: User Experience is an enhanced Visual Design of the product.

Answer: False

Question 4: User is not able to view action button. How this issue can be qualified?

Answer: It is a critical alignment issue, since user is not able to perform specific action.

Question 5: User interface design is about _____________.

Answer: Creating effective interfaces between user and the application it interacts with.

Question 6: Why to think about Usability and User Experience?

Answer: To increase effectiveness of the product and enhance customer satisfaction.

Question 7: Select a correct sequence for the mentioned tasks.

Answer: Information Architecture -> Interaction Design -> Visual Design -> Development

Question 8: How to deliver a better product in terms of Usability and User Experience? a. Let developers develop according to their ideas. b. Gather inputs from actual users and align all technical teams to deliver the requirements. c. All product stakeholders including design, development and testing teams have to imbibe UX mindset. d. Usability and UX becomes important in product testing phase only.

Answer: b, c

Question 9: Google shows appropriate search keyword options upon entering wrong spellings in a Google Search bar. This can be considered as an example of _____________.

Answer: Error prevention

Question 10: Usability principles should be practiced _________________.

Answer: From the requirement gathering phase of product to complete SDLC cycle.

Question 11: Creating accessible product is an ‘extra’ thing in product design.

Answer: False

Question 12: ‘Save’ button has ‘Green’ color on a page and ‘Red’ on another page, select the appropriate comments based on the given statement.

Answer: All the options

Question 13: For driving, if a road is usability, the surrounding scenery, lights, trees and traffic signals can be said contributors to User Experience.

Answer: True

Question 14: If a user is able to retrieve a mail mistakenly sent in trash back to inbox, it is __________.

Answer: Error Recovery

Question 15: Usability is an important goal and a subset in an overall UX design.

Answer: True

Question 16: Which of the following should be implemented in a good UX design?

Answer: All the options

Question 17: Choose the correct options about Usability and User Experience, a. Usability is one of the aims of User Experience strategy. b. Usability is related to achieving end result, User Experience is about creating a series of sequence to achieve it. c. Usability and User Experience are mutually exclusive. d. Both are same.

Answer: a and b

Question 18: How ‘Help’ is treated for a good usability? a. User ideally should not require help to do the basic tasks. b. Only less repetitive, complex tasks can be explained via help. c. User should be provided contextual help whenever necessary. d. A bulky help section may indicate that UI is not created intuitive enough.

Answer: All are valid

Question 19: Minimalist design means ________.

Answer: Not including and showing any irrelevant/not required piece of information.

Question 20: A beautiful visual design can compensate flaws in usability.

Answer: False

Question 21: ‘Your system will restart automatically after installation’ is an example of ____________.

Answer: System Feedback

Question 22: Relate the following questions to Usability and User Experience. a. Usability -> 'Can the user complete the task?' b. User Experience -> 'Was user happy while completing the task?' c. Usability -> Effectiveness and Ease of use in completing task. d. User Experience -> Holistic experience while interacting with the product.

Answer: a, b, c, d

Question 23: Error messages should be represented in technical jargon indicating underlying technical problem to the user.

Answer: False

Question 24: Minimizing user’s memory loads is related to __________________.

Answer: Implementing ‘Recognition rather than recall’ characteristic.

Question 25: While pressing on ‘Logout’ button, pop-up of ’Do you really want to logout?’ shows _________________.

Answer: Error prevention mechanism to user.

Question 26: The spelling mistakes in content affect which of the usability heuristics __________.

Answer: Ease of Use

Question 27: The usability of a mobile application was evaluated through series of user tests. One of the observations during the test was - Users were not able to find out that they had to perform a swipe gesture on the screen to open the filter panel.

Answer: Affordance

Question 28: Choose the correct option for the given statement. When processing time is more than 10 seconds, it is recommended that __________________.

Answer: System shows a progress bar, indicating status of completion

Question 29: Grouping is useful because ___________.

Answer: It helps to easily process information with similar trait and find information quickly.

Question 30: Affordance refers to _________________.

Answer: How people think about how to use an object

Question 31: Findability allows _____________.

Answer: Quick retrieval of information

Question 32: State if the statement is true or false. “All system feedbacks need to have a visual element to it”.

Answer: False

Question 33: Ease of use is critical in scenarios where ______________.

Answer: All the options

Question 34: Recovery from error is important for _____________.

Answer: All the options

Question 35: Which of the following would you consider to improve the aesthetic of a software application?

Answer: All the options

Question 36: Which of the following can be termed as examples of System Feedback?

Answer: A “ping” sound when new message is received

Question 37: An error message should include the cause of the error and possible solution to get rid of the error.

Answer: True

Question 38: User Experience is an important consideration for any product because ____________.

Answer: All the options

Question 39: A form having many fields must be broken down into smaller chunks based on the similarity of the information captured using these fields.

Answer: True

Question 40: If user experience of a product is poor, _____________. Select the options that correlate with the given statement.

Answer: Users will go away if they have a choice. If they don’t have a choice they will end up spending more time than necessary just to be able to use the product. Users will end up doing a lot of mistakes while using the product.

Question 41: The tradeoff between user experience and delivery time is

Answer: Need not be a tradeoff if user experience is planned right from start.

Question 42: Alignment in a text-heavy page is important because ____________.

Answer: 1. It saves space

Question 43: Consistency is used to _____________.

Answer: Establish branding and maintain standardization

Question 44: When is it recommended to use 'System Feedback'?

Answer: To indicate error and to confirm task success or failure.

Question 45: Findability ________________.

Answer: Allows quick retrieval of information

Question 46: Users without specialized knowledge are able to use the product easily. This implies that the product can be considered under _____________.

Answer: Ease of use

Question 47: How simply something can be used without any help, refers to ___________.

Answer: Ease of use

Question 48: User Experience (UX) is not just what it looks like and feels like. UX is how it works.

Answer: True

Question 49: Aesthetics is optional in usability.

Answer: False

Question 50: While designing a page layout, alignment must be done considering the which of the following factors.

Answer: Alignment rules defined for the entire application in master templates

Question 51: Where is affordance useful?

Answer: For designing icons and for indicating how a UI component works

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