Handlebars | Fresco Play

Handlebars | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
Handlebars | Fresco Play

Question 1: Handlebars is a fully logic-less templating engine written entirely in JavaScript - false

Answer: False

Question 2: Handlebars.js is an extension to the

Answer: Mustache

Question 3: How can you add reference of Handlebars in your project?

Answer: All of the options

Question 4: _ is fully logic-less but _ adds minimal logic by using some helpers such as if, with, unless, each and more.

Answer: Mustache,Handlebars

Question 5: Handlebars can be classified as a

Answer: Library

Question 6: Templates can contain HTML and text, mixed with Handlebars expressions

Answer: True

Question 7: Expression is a JavaScript object that you pass to the compiled template.

Answer: False

Question 8: The variables are written in double curly braces {{}} are known as

Answer: expressions

Question 9: How do you add Templates in your HTML?

Answer: by including templates in

Question 36: handlebars-v2.0.0.js is lighter than handlebars.runtime.js

Answer: False

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