How to Create an HTTP Server with One Command

How to Create an HTTP Server with One Command

Saturday, December 2, 2023
~ 3 min read
Explore the technical marvel of creating an HTTP server with just one command—python -m http.server. Dive into the intricacies of customization, security considerations, and the versatile applications of this one-liner. Elevate your coding game with swift server setups and efficient file sharing

Imagine a world where spinning up an HTTP server is as simple as executing a single command. Well, fellow coder, you're in for a treat because the incantation you seek is none other than python -m http.server. Let's dive into the technical nitty-gritty of this one-liner wonder.


Python 3.x

Command Breakdown:

python -m http.server
  • python: Initiates the Python interpreter.
  • -m: Specifies a module to run as a script.
  • http.server: The module that provides a basic HTTP server.


Executing this command launches a server on port 8000 by default. It serves files from the current directory, making it a quick and dirty solution for sharing files or testing web pages locally.

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

Customizing the Port:

If port 8000 doesn't suit your needs, you can specify a different port by appending it to the command.

python -m http.server 8080

This will launch the server on port 8080.

Accessing the Server:

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 (or your specified port). You'll find a directory listing of the files in the server's directory.

Security Considerations:

While this one-liner is a convenient tool, be cautious. It exposes your files to the network, so use it judiciously. Consider it more of a quick-and-dirty solution for local development or file sharing.


Need to expose a different directory? Simply provide the path after the command.

python -m http.server /path/to/directory

This flexibility makes it handy for various use cases.


In the realm of server setups, python -m http.server stands out as a beacon of simplicity. Its ease of use, coupled with the ability to quickly share files or test web pages, makes it a valuable addition to any coder's arsenal.

Experiment with this one-liner, explore its capabilities, and may your server responses be as swift as your code!

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