HTML5 Semantic Elements | Fresco Play

HTML5 Semantic Elements | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
HTML5 Semantic Elements | Fresco Play

Question 1: Which HTML5 tag would you use to define footer?

Answer: footer

Question 2: What happens if you view a new HTML5 form input type in an older browser

Answer: It reverts to standard text input

Question 3: What is the HTML5 Stack?

Answer: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Question 4: What is the recommended method to detect browser compatibility for features

Answer: Use Modernizr

Question 5: Which of the following tag represents an independent piece of content of a document in HTML5?

Answer: article

Question 6: Which of the following input control represents a date (year, month, day) encoded according to ISO 8601 in Web Form 2.0?

Answer: date

Question 7: Which Semantic element is best suitable for content like blog post that is self contained, independent and can be republished?

Answer: article

Question 8: Which of the following tags are no longer valid in HTML5?

Answer: align

Question 9: Which of the following tags represents a section of document used for navigation?

Answer: nav

Question 10: Which of the following attribute triggers events when a form changes?

Answer: onformchange

Question 11: What are the new form elements introduced in HTML5

Answer: datalist,keygen, output

Question 12: HTML5 audio tag has a number of attributes to control the look and feel and various functionalities of the audio player. Which of the following is not an attribute of HTML5 audio element?

Answer: stop

Question 13: Audio element can be programmatically controlled from

Answer: JavaScript

Question 14: The controls attribute adds audio/video controls like PLAY, PAUSE and VOLUME

Answer: True

Question 15: Which attribute of the video tag specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading?

Answer: poster

Question 16: How do you embed a video player using

Answer: iframe

Question 17: How do you place a canvas element with an ID of canvas1 into a JavaScript variable?

Answer: var canvas1 = document.getElementById('canvas1');

Question 18: Which of the following is not true about SVG graphics?

Answer: Graphics in SVG are defined using Java script

Question 19: SVG is mostly useful for vector type diagrams like

Answer: Charts and 2D Graphs

Question 20: Which is best suited for applications with large rendering areas e.g.: Google maps?

Answer: SVG

Question 21: Scalable Vector Graphics are defined in which markup language?

Answer: XML

Question 22: Which of the following is true about 'canvas' tag in HTML5? (I) Easy way to draw graphics using JavaScript (II) Can be use to make Animations

Answer: I & II

Question 23: Which of the following is not true about Canvas?

Answer: Each shape in Canvas is looked at as an object

Question 24: Application Cache enables

Answer: All the options

Question 25: Which for the following API's can be used to suggest near by restaurants in a restaurant finder app?

Answer: Geolocation API

Question 26: Which of the following statements about Modernizer is true?

Answer: It detects which features the browser supports

Question 27: Which of the following is not a localStorage function?

Answer: getElementbyID()

Question 28: Websites can store data on users computer using Web Storage. How is Web Storage different from Cookies?

Answer: All the options

Question 29: Which API can be used to display thumbnail image of a file being uploaded in a HTML5 Photo sharing website?

Answer: File API

Question 30: Which of the following new features of HTML5 can be used for long running tasks?

Answer: Web Workers

Question 31: Web Apps can start faster and work even if there is no internet connection when you use

Answer: App Cache

Question 32: If you do not put "", will HTML5 tags work

Answer: No, Browser will not be able to detect HTML and the tags will not function properly

Question 33: The Default Encoding in HTML5 is

Answer: UTF-8.

Question 34: Which relies on proprietary technology that is not open source?

Answer: Flash

Question 35: Which of the following is not suited for game applications?

Answer: svg

Question 36: Which of the following attribute triggers event when an element is dragged?

Answer: onDrag

Question 37: Data from Web Storage is sent to server with every request, giving a big advantage compared to Cookies.

Answer: False

Question 38: The elements header, footer, article, section in HTML5 are called

Answer: Semantic Elements

Question 39: Semantic HTML5 elements allows data to be shared and reused across applications, enterprises, and communities.

Answer: True

Question 40: Which of the following attribute triggers event when the window loses focus?

Answer: onblur

Question 41: Which of the following is the major enhancement in HTML5 when compared to HTML4?

Answer: All the options

Question 42: Is HTML5 Backward Compatible

Answer: True

Question 43: Which of the following attribute specifies whether or not a user is allowed to drag an element?

Answer: draggable

Question 44: Which of the following are supported by HTML5? (I) Uppercase tagnames (II) Quotes are optional for attributes (III) Attribute values are optional (IV) Closing Empty elements is optional

Answer: I,II,III,IV

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