Pyspark Final Assessment | Fresco Play

Pyspark Final Assessment | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Pyspark Final Assessment | Fresco Play

Question 1: Which among the following programming languages does Spark support

Answer: All the options

Question 2: Spark was first coded as a C project

Answer: False

Question 3: PySpark is built on top of Spark's Java API

Answer: True

Question 4: SparkContext uses Py4J to launch a JVM and create a

Answer: JavaSparkContext

Question 5: Which among the following is a/are feature(s) of DataFrames?

Answer: All the options

Question 6: Which among the following is an example of Transformation

Answer: groupByKey([numPartitions])

Question 7: Spark SQL can read and write data from Hive Tables

Answer: True

Question 8: DataFrame is data organized into ______ columns

Answer: named

Question 9: Parquet stores nested data structures in a flat ________ format

Answer: Columnar

Question 10: Spark SQL does not provide support for both reading and writing Parquet files

Answer: False

Question 11: Spark SQL brings native support for SQL to Spark

Answer: True

Question 12: We cannot pass SQL queries directly to any DataFrame

Answer: False

Question 13: How to create a table in Hive warehouse programatically from Spark

Answer: spark.sql("CREATE A TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table_name(column_name_1 DataType,column_name_2 DataType,......,column_name_n DataType) USING hivewarehouse")

Question 14: External tables are used to store data outside the

Answer: Hive

Question 15: Spark SQL supports reading and writing data stored in Hive

Answer: True

Question 16: Which among the following is an example of Action

Answer: foreach(func)

Question 17: Co-Variance of two random columns is near to

Answer: zero

Question 18: ____________ is a component on top of Spark Core.

Answer: Spark SQL

Question 19: Registering a DataFrame as a ________ view allows you to run SQL queries over its data.

Answer: Temporary

Question 20: Hbase is a distributed ________ database built on top of the Hadoop file system.

Answer: Column-oriented

Question 21: If the schema of the table does not match with the data types present in the file containing the table, then Hive ________

Answer: Reports Null values for mismatched data

Question 22: Spark was first coded as a C project

Answer: False

Question 23: Select the correct statement.

Answer: For cluster manager, Spark supports standalone Hadoop YARN

Question 24: Parallelized collections are created by calling SparkContext’s parallelize method on an existing iterable or collection in driver program.

Answer: True

Question 25: In PySpark, sorting is in _________ order, by defaul

Answer: ascending

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