Ionic Framework | Fresco Play

Ionic Framework | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
Ionic Framework | Fresco Play

Question 1: Which of the following includes device APIs that allow accessing native device features like camera or maps?


Question 2: Which of the following files has the ionic styles?

Answer: Ionic.css

Question 3: Which of the following files contains all required JS files for Ionic and Angular?

Answer: Ionic.bundle.min.js

Question 4: Which of the following folders contains icons in Ionic?

Answer: Fonts

Question 5: Which of the following is not a in-built Ionic template?

Answer: Navigation

Question 6: Which of the following classes can be used to create margin of certain number pixels around the list items?

Answer: List – inset

Question 7: Which of the following classes can be used to group a set of items in a List?

Answer: item- divider

Question 8: Which of the following classes can be used to create a button that occupies the entire width of the screen?

Answer: Button–block

Question 9: Which of the following classes defines the footer?

Answer: Bar-footer

Question 10: Which of the following CSS components are best to create a News App that displays a picture, caption with short description?

Answer: Cards

Question 11: In a responsive Grid, which class, breaks the row of columns, when the window size is smaller than portrait tablet?

Answer: Responsive –md

Question 12: Which of the following components uses "CSS Flexible Box Layout"?

Answer: Grid

Question 13: Ionic Grid system is responsive by default.

Answer: True

Question 14: Which of the following is a content pane that can go over the user’s main view temporarily?

Answer: Modal

Question 15: Which of the following components is a multi-page container where each page can be swiped or dragged between?

Answer: Ion-slides

Question 16: Which of the following interaction modes can be enabled by using ionList and ionItem directives?

Answer: All

Question 17: Which of the following services can be used to trigger an Action Sheet?

Answer: $ionicActionSheet

Question 18: What is the ionic directive that can be used for creating a tab bar?

Answer: Ion-Tabs

Question 19: CLI is an extension of _________.

Answer: Node.js

Question 20: What is the command for running an app in IOS emulator?

Answer: ionic emulate ios

Question 21: CLI is based on _____.


Question 22: Which of the following statement is not true about the IONIC framework?

Answer: It is built on top of Cascading, Scalding, C++ and nodeJS

Question 23: Cards can contain

Answer: ALL

Question 24: Adding which of the following classes to the content, makes space for the header.

Answer: has-header

Question 25: Which of the following is a content pane that can go over the user’s main view temporarily?

Answer: 1. Action Sheet 2. Pop Up

Question 26: Which of the following includes device APIs that allow accessing native device features like camera or maps?


Question 27: Which of the following is a slide-up pane that lets the user choose from a set of options?

Answer: Action Sheet

Question 28: Which of the following classes can be used to create margin of certain number pixels around the list items?

Answer: list-inset

Question 29: Which of the following offers AngularJS wrappers for the most popular Cordova plugins?

Answer: ngCordova

Question 30: Which of the following is the place to check for community contributed IONIC Components?

Answer: 1. Iconic-View 2. Ionic resources

Question 31: In Ionic CLI, which of the follow commands can be used to automatically monitor changes in the file system?

Answer: Ionic serve

Question 32: Which CSS component is ideal for creating top navigation for a mobile app?

Answer: Tabs

Question 33: Components in iconic by default have both padding of

Answer: 0 pixels

Question 34: Which of the following directives can help in using Ionic custom Scroll View, or the built in overflow scrolling of the browse?

Answer: ion-content

Question 35: Which of the following directives can be used to enable the "pull to refresh" functionality?

Answer: ion-refresher

Question 36: Which of the following can be used for Rapid Prototyping?

Answer: ionic Creator

Question 37: Which tool can be used to create icons and splash screens for all supported devices?

Answer: Ionic resources

Question 38: Which of the following tags display a button with rounded corners?

Answer: Both

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