jQuery | Fresco Play

jQuery | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
jQuery | Fresco Play

Question 1: All jQuery code should be included within _____ function

Answer: ready()

Question 2: Using CND helps in loading pages fast

Answer: True

Question 3: jQuery supports AJAX

Answer: True

Question 4: jQuery code should be included within ____ tag

Answer: script

Question 5: jQuery is a popular JS library developed by

Answer: John Resig

Question 6: jQuery helps in ______ side scripting

Answer: client

Question 7: To select a range of elements use

Answer: slice()

Question 8: Which of the following is not a selector

Answer: name

Question 9: Class selector is used with

Answer: .

Question 10: To filter based on condition use

Answer: filter()

Question 11: Id selector is used with

Answer: Select the empty option, even though it is wrong

Question 12: To filter based on element index use

Answer: filter()

Question 13: To remove a handler from an event use

Answer: off()

Question 14: To add multiple event to a element use

Answer: on()

Question 15: preventDefault has two parameters

Answer: False

Question 16: To remove the focus from a form element use

Answer: blur()

Question 17: To attach handler to elements that will be added in future use

Answer: event delegation

Question 18: Elements attached using live can be removed using

Answer: die()

Question 19: To delete only the child element of the selected element

Answer: empty()

Question 20: To add delay in animation use

Answer: delay()

Question 21: To add custom animation use

Answer: animate()

Question 22: Multiple animations will be executed in _____ fashion

Answer: queue

Question 23: To read value from a form element use

Answer: val()

Question 24: To read html content from a document use

Answer: html()

Question 25: Which method helps you to replace $ with keyword jQuery

Answer: noConflict()

Question 26: Which parameter of load()'s callback function has the data

Answer: responseTxt

Question 27: _____ is used to send request to server, along with some data.

Answer: post()

Question 28: To remove the unwanted whitespace use

Answer: trim()

Question 29: Iteration over array and object use

Answer: each()

Question 30: To make a set of elements expandable and collapsible use

Answer: accordion()

Question 31: To animate all the changes while adding a class use

Answer: addClass()

Question 32: jQueryUI has its own css library that can be used in webpage

Answer: True

Question 33: Which of the following is not a interaction available in jQueryUI

Answer: accordion()

Question 34: All the tab heading should be included within an _____

Answer: either of the option

Question 35: To add custom effect use

Answer: effect()

Question 36: Jquery mobile has how many set of theme to be used

Answer: two

Question 37: __ is used to create a dropdown in jQuery mobile

Answer: select

Question 38: jQuery mobile automatically uses widgets based on the element type

Answer: True

Question 39: The function that will directly load content form server into DOM

Answer: load()

Question 40: jQuery code should be included within ____ tag

Answer: script

Question 41: This is triggered when a swipe action occurs for more than ___ px in horizontal direction.

Answer: 30px

Question 42: jQuery works for both HTML and XML

Answer: False

Question 43: jQuery follows W3C standards

Answer: False

Question 44: jQuery mobile can be used to develop hybrid apps

Answer: True

Question 45: Which among the following is a universal selector

Answer: Empty option is worng

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