Bundling with webpack | Fresco Play

Bundling with webpack | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Bundling with webpack | Fresco Play

Question 1: Webpack is not recommended for large web applications

Answer: False

Question 2: Which of the following code can help us make the compilation automatically

Answer: build: "webpack ./src/app.js ./dist/bundle.js"

Question 3: Which of these softwares is necessary to install webpack

Answer: Node.js

Question 4: Executing the following command will automatically create a file named: webpack_practice >> npm init

Answer: package.json

Question 5: The distinct feature of webpack is

Answer: Code-Splitting

Question 6: Which of the following tells webpack how to treat a Bundled Code

Answer: Output

Question 7: Which of the following loader can be used to process style sheets

Answer: CSS-loader

Question 8: file:///home/ram/work/webpack_practice/index.html means that the file gets loaded from

Answer: local machine

Question 9: Which helps in using babel with webpack babel

Answer: babel-loader

Question 10: _____________ simplies the creation of HTML files to serve webpack bundles

Answer: HtmlWebpackPlugin

Question 11: Which of the following features, considered the backbone of Webpack

Answer: Plugins

Question 12: Which of the following code snippet instantiates the plugin FrescoPlugin require

Answer: var FrescoPlugin = require('Welcome'); var webpackConfig = { // ... config settings here ... plugins: [ new FrescoPlugin({options: true}) ] };

Question 13: Plugins are instantiable objects

Answer: True

Question 14: Which of the following, can be used to define an entry point?

Answer: module.exports = { entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js' };

Question 15: Webpack is a/an ______________ tool

Answer: open source

Question 16: Webpack understands only __________________

Answer: Java script

Question 17: Webpack is written in

Answer: Javascript

Question 18: can be transformed to JavaScript with the help of loaders

Answer: CoffeeScript

Question 19: Custom plugins can be installed via ___________

Answer: npm

Question 20: Webpack can be optimized with the following command

Answer: webpack --optimize-minimize

Question 21: A plugin can be instantiated with the keyword

Answer: new

Question 22: Which of the following makes Webpack s

Answer: Extensible loader

Question 23: Webpack starts building the dependency graph from

Answer: Begin Statement

Question 24: Webpack supports third party libraries

Answer: True

Question 25: which of the following is a Node.js express server?

Answer: webpack-dev-server

Question 26: The latest version of Webpack is

Answer: 2.X

Question 27: Which of the following webpack feature enables Code on Demand

Answer: Code- Splitting

Question 28: Which of the following code can be used to install the style loader?

Answer: npm install style-loader --save-dev

Question 29: In Webpack, we can use

Answer: Custom plugins

Question 30: Which of the following makes Webpack extensible

Answer: Loaders

Question 31: CoffeeScript can be transformed to JavaScript with the help of

Answer: Loaders

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