Mongo DB | Fresco Play

Mongo DB | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 5 min read
Mongo DB | Fresco Play

Question 1: Which is the method used to terminate certain operations after examination

Answer: db.killop

Question 2: Which is the method in MongoDB removes a one or more roles from a user on the current database

Answer: db.revokeroles from user

Question 3: Which can be used to check the replica set configuration ?

Answer: rs.status()

Question 4: Which of the following will help to identify long running queries

Answer: currentop

Question 5: In MongoDB ........ is the operator limits the contents of an array field from the query

Answer: ELEMmatch

Question 6: Which model is used when there is contains relationships between entities

Answer: embedded

Question 7: Which of the following in MongoDB is a system that can help identify inefficient queries and operations.

Answer: profiler

Question 8: Which of the following in MongoDB can limit the size of the result document for a query operation.

Answer: limit

Question 9: Which method is used to return information for all users associated with a database.

Answer: db.getusers

Question 10: Default size of Chunk in MongoDB ___________

Answer: 64mb

Question 11: Find the correct answer from the following In the absence of Primary, replica set cannot accept this operations

Answer: read and write

Question 12: Which is the method to check the size of the oplog for a given replica set member.

Answer: printrepinfo

Question 13: In MongoDB .............helps to synchronize data across multiple servers.

Answer: rep

Question 14: Database profiler writes data in --------------

Answer: all

Question 15: db.isMaster() can be used to check connected node is primary or not

Answer: db.ismaster

Question 16: The chunk operations performed on background is ______

Answer: split and balance

Question 17: Which indexes uses planar geometry when returning results.

Answer: 2d Indexes

Question 18: Which of the following is a capped collection

Answer: system.profile

Question 19: Choose the data model which allow applications to store related pieces of information in the same database record

Answer: embedded

Question 20: Which of the following command is used in Determining Indexes Sizes and details of Indexes for Product Collection

Answer: proddeter

Question 21: In MongoDB these are used to index array data

Answer: Mutikey Index

Question 22: Which is the method used to create Index in MongoDB

Answer: db.ensureIndex()

Question 23: Which is the Index used for muliple fields

Answer: Compound Index

Question 24: Which of the following method is used to create Index in MongoDB

Answer: db.ensureIndex()

Question 25: Find the command which removes the user from the current database.

Answer: db.dropuser()

Question 26: Which is the method used to check the current length of replication lag

Answer: rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo()

Question 27: Which is the command to Check the Size of the Oplog

Answer: rs.printReplicationInfo()/ printreplication info

Question 28: In MongoDB identify the command which add an shard with a sharded Cluster

Answer: addShard

Question 29: In MongoDB which is the storage measure used by master's oplog ?

Answer: MB

Question 30: From the following find the background process that keeps chunks from growing too large.

Answer: chunking

Question 31: The ........... is the command returns a document that provides an overview of the database’s state.

Answer: Serverstatus()

Question 32: nan

Answer: Status

Question 33: Find the command which forces MongoDB to use a particular index for a db.collection.find() operation

Answer: hint()

Question 34: Identify the index type that supports searching for string content in a collection.

Answer: text indexes

Question 35: Find a technique of splitting up a large collection among multiple server

Answer: Sharding

Question 36: Which is the method used in MongoDB to Grant user

Answer: db.grantRolesToUser()

Question 37: In MongoDB explain() option shows the number of documents looked for a query

Answer: scanned

Question 38: Which of the following in MongoDB provides information for various lock types and lock modes held during the operation.

Answer: system.profile.locks

Question 39: In MongoDB ................. represents the number of times the operation had to wait for the acquireCount.

Answer: system.profile.locks.acquireWaitCount

Question 40: By default MongoDB Automatically logs slow queries above ..... ms to the log

Answer: 100

Question 41: Which will be command to return information on query plans and execution statistics of the query plans

Answer: explain

Question 42: Choose the indexes to index the content stored in arrays

Answer: Multikey

Question 43: Which of the following is supported for backing up and restoring of MongoDB deployments

Answer: MMS

Question 44: Choose the operations that can be captured by database profiler ?

Answer: All

Question 45: Which of the following will controls the amount of logging output that mongod write to the log.

Answer: Systemlog.verbosity

Question 46: From the following find which will provides more even data distribution across the sharded cluster

Answer: horizontal

Question 47: Which model is used to describe references relationships between documents

Answer: Embedded

Question 48: Mongo client will generates ....... command to initiate a new replica set.

Answer: initiate

Question 49: The ........... is the command returns a document that provides an overview of the database’s state.

Answer: hit()

Question 50: In DataProfiler ........ will shows to indicate there is no index use.

Answer: executionstats.nreturned

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