Typography | Fresco Play

Typography | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 6 min read
Typography | Fresco Play

Question 1: The distance between baseline and descender line is called as

Answer: Descender height

Question 2: The characters that are aligned with the ascender line is called as

Answer: Superscript

Question 3: A narrower version of the regular style is called as

Answer: Condensed

Question 4: ___' is the white space formed in between the words of a justified body text.

Answer: River

Question 5: Measurements of fixed values are called as

Answer: Absolute Measurements

Question 6: A stroke that joints two other letter parts is called as

Answer: Link

Question 7: The orientation of a curved character is called as

Answer: Stress

Question 8: Different typefaces with the same point size can have different x-heights

Answer: TRUE

Question 9: Which text alignment has the line extending from left to right margins varying space between words?

Answer: Justified

Question 10: The angle formed at the bottom of a letter when strokes meet is called as

Answer: Vertex

Question 11: A lone word at the end of a block of text is called as

Answer: Widow

Question 12: The part of a letter which falls below the baseline is called as

Answer: Descender

Question 13: ___' is the basic style of typeface and most commonly used for body text.

Answer: Regular

Question 14: A horizontal stroke that intersects the central stem is called as

Answer: Cross Stroke

Question 15: Which text alignment has the text takes shape of a concrete object?

Answer: Concrete

Question 16: The distance between two baselines on consecutive lines of text is called as

Answer: Leading

Question 17: Serif strokes help to lead the eye while reading a sentence.

Answer: True

Question 18: The characters that are aligned with the descender line is called as

Answer: Subscript

Question 19: The physical means used to create a typeface in the real world is called as

Answer: Font

Question 20: A wider version of the regular style is called as

Answer: Extended

Question 21: Leading is the space between two letters

Answer: False

Question 22: The horizontal position of a type is called as

Answer: Alignment

Question 23: The final one or two lines of a paragraph which breaks to form a new column is called as

Answer: Orphan

Question 24: Which text alignment has the text wrapped around a picture?

Answer: Runaround

Question 25: ___' is the amount of spacing between the characters of a word or a text block.

Answer: Tracking

Question 26: Serifs help the eye while reading a sentence.--

Answer: True

Question 27: ___' has a lighter stroke than regular style.--

Answer: Light

Question 28: The distance between baseline and ascender line is called as --

Answer: Ascender height

Question 29: Which text alignment has the lines not aligned with each other?--

Answer: Asymetric

Question 30: A set of characters, numbers and symbols with same unique design is called as

Answer: Typeface

Question 31: ___' is the space between letters and varies per character to create a comfortable looking typography

Answer: Kerning

Question 32: ___' has a wider stroke than regular style.

Answer: Bold

Question 33: Serif strokes help to lead the eye while reading a sentence.

Answer: True

Question 34: Which text alignment has the line extending from left to right margins varying space between words?

Answer: Justified

Question 35: Tracking varies per character to create a comfortable looking typography

Answer: False

Question 36: A small stroke extending from the bowl of a 'g' or 'r' is called as

Answer: Ear

Question 37: The characters that are aligned with the descender line is called as

Answer: Subscript

Question 38: A slanted version of the regular style is called as

Answer: Italic

Question 39: Times New Roman is a serif font.

Answer: True

Question 40: Helvetica is a serif font.

Answer: False

Question 41: ___' is a measurement used to specify the length of a line.

Answer: Pica

Question 42: ___' is a unit of relative measurement derived from uppercase letter 'M'

Answer: Em

Question 43: The joining of two or three separate characters to form a single unit to avoid interference is called as

Answer: Ligature

Question 44: The space inside a bowl is called as

Answer: Counter

Question 45: The space that encloses space in circular letterforms is called as

Answer: Bowl

Question 46: The fonts without a serif are called as

Answer: Sans-serif

Question 47: ___' is the basic unit of absolute typographic measurement.

Answer: Point

Question 48: The part of a letter which extends above the x-height is called as

Answer: Ascender

Question 49: The fonts that have a small stroke at the end of main horizontal or vertical stroke is called as

Answer: Serif

Question 50: em of a 10 point type is equal to –

Answer: 10 points

Question 51: The distance between the baseline and meanline is called as

Answer: x-height

Question 52: The height of capital letters or the distance between baseline and cap line is called as

Answer: Cap height

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