Nginx | Fresco Play

Nginx | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Nginx | Fresco Play

Question 1: ___________ was introduced in the year 1995.

Answer: Apache HTTP

Question 2: ___________ webserver was introduced primarily to support Java servlets.

Answer: Apache Tomcat

Question 3: Nginx was introduced in the year _________.

Answer: 1999

Question 4: IBM Websphere was introduced in the year __________.

Answer: 1998

Question 5: Nginx has become popular as it resolves __________.

Answer: C10K problem

Question 6: How many default servers can you configure?

Answer: Any number of

Question 7: Apache cannot handle 10K connections because it is a _____________ webserver.

Answer: thread based

Question 8: Choose the best option. Nginx is a ___________. A) Webserver B) Reverse proxy C) Loadbalancer D) Hub

Answer: Options A,B and C

Question 9: Nginx supports __________ through SCGI protocol.

Answer: Reverse Proxying

Question 10: Nginx can be started using _____________.

Answer: service nginx start

Question 11: Which of the following line can be used to install Nginx?

Answer: apt-get install nginx

Question 12: You can ask Nginx to refresh its configuration file using _____________.

Answer: nginx -s reload

Question 13: It is always recommended to install ___________ version of Nginx.

Answer: development

Question 14: For smooth shutdown of Nginx, you must use _____________.

Answer: nginx -s quit

Question 15: In nginx.conf, a block of lines defined within a pair of curly braces is called _____________.

Answer: Context

Question 16: The event-polling nature of Nginx can be dealt with using _____________.

Answer: events

Question 17: Each resource has its own _____________.

Answer: URL

Question 18: worker_connections is a directive contained within ___________.

Answer: events

Question 19: A server block may contain _________ location block.

Answer: any number of

Question 20: If you define more than one default server, Nginx will _________.

Answer: work as multiple domain server

Question 21: A server block may contain another server block.

Answer: False

Question 22: When you configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache, both may listen to a same port.

Answer: False

Question 23: Nginx supports __________ through round robin algorithm.

Answer: Load balancing

Question 24: is an IP address of _____________.

Answer: localhost

Question 25: World's first web server was developed in_____________.

Answer: 1990's

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