Workflow Automation with Gulp | Fresco Play

Workflow Automation with Gulp | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Workflow Automation with Gulp | Fresco Play

Question 1: How does installing Gulp globally help?

Answer: Helps to run gulp command from any project folder

Question 2: Before installation of Gulp, installation of _____________ acts as pre-requisite

Answer: node

Question 3: Between Grunt and Gulp, which is relatively fast?

Answer: Gulp

Question 4: Which Streams provide ability to both read and write?

Answer: Transform

Question 5: How many types of Streams are available?

Answer: 5

Question 6: Streams are Asynchronous. Is this True or False?

Answer: True

Question 7: While installing gulp, the first installation step would be ________.

Answer: $npm install gulp g

Question 8: Streams which play vital role in gulp, has its origin from __________.

Answer: Unix

Question 9: Streams are represented as _________.

Answer: .pipe()

Question 10: While installing gulp with $npm install gulp --save-dev, what does --save-dev represents?

Answer: installs Gulp as a development dependency and package.json updated

Question 11: Which plugin notifies whenever there is any change in file?

Answer: gulp-watch

Question 12: Which command in the CLI will trigger the 'default` task?

Answer: gulp

Question 13: Which task would be called in gulp, by default?

Answer: Default

Question 14: Compression of images could be easily achieved using which gulp plug-in?

Answer: gulp-imagemin

Question 15: Which plugin helps in task dependencies?

Answer: No gulp plug-ins needed

Question 16: The main objective of compressing (images / CSS / JavaScript) is to help with ____________.

Answer: All options

Question 17: Which helps with sequencing the tasks one bye one?

Answer: .pipe

Question 18: Which package helps in minifying the CSS?

Answer: gulp-minify-css

Question 19: gulp.src in gulpfile.js refers to ______.

Answer: Source location of files to be acted upon

Question 20: gulp-concat helps with __________

Answer: Concatenation of files in given location

Question 21: In-memory caching is enabled with the help of which gulp plug-in?

Answer: gulp-cached

Question 22: To convert .svg icons into fonts, gulp provides ________ plug-in

Answer: gulp-iconfont

Question 23: Which streams help to pass data to writable /duplex / transform streams?

Answer: Readable

Question 24: The default task / plug-ins in gulp are mentioned in this ______ file.

Answer: gulpfile.js

Question 25: Which plug-in has optimizers and compressors?

Answer: gulp-plumber

Question 26: How to check if gulp has been installed successfully?

Answer: gulp -v

Question 27: While installing the gulp using the syntax npm install gulp --save-dev, ________section of _________ is updated.

Answer: devDependencies, package.json

Question 28: Which among the following helps to compile into .CSS format?

Answer: Both options

Question 29: The default task representation in gulp will be like _________.

Answer: gulp.task('default',function(){ });

Question 30: Organizing the gulp plug-ins can be easily achieved through

Answer: gulp-load-plugins

Question 31: The different kinds of Streams include ______________.

Answer: readable,writable,duplex, classic, transform

Question 32: Streams give higher flow control. Is this True or False?

Answer: True

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