Novice Guide to Visual Design | Fresco Play

Novice Guide to Visual Design | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 6 min read
Novice Guide to Visual Design | Fresco Play

Question 1: There should be a sense of unity or harmony between all the elements of design used in a page.

Answer: True

Question 2: Which Gestalt law states that the objects that are close to each other are perceived as a group?

Answer: Law of Proximity

Question 3: The longer the distance and smaller the target's size, the longer it takes for the user to reach. This law is called as ___.

Answer: Law of Common Fate

Question 4: The arrangement of design elements in a way that implies importance is called as ___________.

Answer: Visual Hierarchy

Question 5: ___ helps us to distribute the elements of design uniformly.

Answer: Balance

Question 6: Shapes that can't be related to reality are called as __________.

Answer: Abstract Shapes

Question 7: In ___ balance, the elements are placed organically creating both tension and balance.

Answer: Asymmetric

Question 8: Which pattern is perfect for interfaces that are simple, minimalistic and Call to action button-centric?

Answer: Z-Pattern

Question 9: Which design principle deals with creating the focus on a single element?

Answer: Dominance

Question 10: Which of the Gestalt laws is similar to the law of Common Fate?

Answer: The Principle of Closure

Question 11: Balanced designs appear stable.

Answer: True

Question 12: A layout is typically constructed within a ___.

Answer: Grid

Question 13: Textures that you can feel and see are called as _________.

Answer: Tactile Textures

Question 14: Which is the common reading pattern observed on text-heavy websites?

Answer: F-Pattern

Question 15: Which design principle helps in providing an invisible connection between the elements even if they are not in close proximity to each other?

Answer: Alignment

Question 16: In ___ balance, the elements are oriented along a common axis either top to bottom or left to right.

Answer: Symmetric

Question 17: The arrangement of visual elements in a design that looks like its final appearance is called as __________.

Answer: Layout

Question 18: The principle of closure states that the humans have a tendency to group elements moving in the same direction.

Answer: True

Question 19: Which Gestalt law states that the human brain perceives lines, shapes, and curves and relate it into meaningful objects from the real world?

Answer: Law of Familiarity

Question 20: Which Gestalt law states that the humans have a tendency to group elements moving in the same direction?

Answer: Law of Common Fate

Question 21: Shapes that resemble natural shapes like flower and leaf are called __________.

Answer: Organic Shapes

Question 22: ___ are the foundation on which a design is made that helps designers to organize various design elements on a page.

Answer: Grids

Question 23: Shapes like circles, squares, and rectangles are called as _________.

Answer: Geometric Shapes

Question 24: A 2-dimensional area with a known boundary is called as _____________.

Answer: Shape

Question 25: ___ is the simplest element of design.

Answer: Dot

Question 26: ___ deals with the study of how we perceive objects in our environment.

Answer: Gestalt Psychology

Question 27: Which Gestalt law states that the human brain perceives visual elements as grouped when they are arranged symmetrically?

Answer: Law of symmetry

Question 28: The area around a shape in the design is often referred as ________.

Answer: Ground

Question 29: The quality of the surface of an object is called as __________.

Answer: Texture

Question 30: Which Gestalt law states that the human brain prefers to see a continuous flow of design elements and not as separate objects?

Answer: Law of continuity

Question 31: Which of the following is not a characteristic of color?

Answer: Value

Question 32: Which Gestalt law states that the human mind combines the visual information available to form a meaningful object rather than seeing it as individual elements?

Answer: The Principle of Closure

Question 33: Which Gestalt law states that all the elements with similar superficial characters are perceived as a group?

Answer: Law of similarity

Question 34: A shape used in the design is often referred as

Answer: False

Question 35: ___ defines the relative size of the design elements.

Answer: Scale

Question 36: Which Gestalt law states that the humans have a tendency to group connected elements?

Answer: Law of Element Connectedness

Question 37: ___ refers to the arrangement of visually distinct elements to create interest.

Answer: Contrast

Question 38: The area around a shape in a design is often referred as negative space.

Answer: True

Question 39: When users read a page, their eye scans the content from the upper left corner.

Answer: True

Question 40: ___ applies to objects that are 3-dimensional in nature and has height, width, and depth.

Answer: Form

Question 41: The art/technique of arranging letters to make written language easy to read and appealing is called as __________.

Answer: Typography

Question 42: Textures that you can see but not feel are called as _______.

Answer: Implied Textures

Question 43: ___ states that the elements in an enclosed region are perceived as a group.

Answer: Law of Common Region

Question 44: Which design principle helps to organize elements and create a relationship between those elements in viewer's mind?

Answer: Proximity

Question 45: A shape used in the design is often referred as _________

Answer: Figure

Question 46: Which is the common reading pattern observed on websites that are not text-heavy?

Answer: Z-Pattern

Question 47: The area around a shape in a design is often referred as positive space.

Answer: False

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