Understanding Conversational Systems | Fresco Play

Understanding Conversational Systems | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Understanding Conversational Systems | Fresco Play

Question 1: What type of Bot is Mitsuku (Bot built for conversational purpose on Kik Messenger Platform) ?

Answer: Consumer Bot

Question 2: Managing DevOps via chat is called Chat Ops.

Answer: True

Question 3: Natural Language Parser is used to extract __________________ and ____________________

Answer: Intent , Entity

Question 4: Which of the following features can be accomplished with the help of Facebook Messenger Platform ?

Answer: All The Above

Question 5: A Chatbot , Conversational Agent and Dialogue Systems. All of these terms mean the same.

Answer: True

Question 6: It is advisable to leverage Artificial Intelligence in scenarios that involve many unstrctured components.

Answer: True

Question 7: What are the series of steps performed to understand the intent and entity of input?

Answer: Natural Language Understanding

Question 8: Natural Language is structured data .

Answer: False

Question 9: Which of the following methodologies helps understand the structure of input ?

Answer: Part of Speech Tagging

Question 10: You can build a bot without Artificial Intelligence .

Answer: True

Question 11: Conversation where ordering a Sandwich through a bot and the bot completing the activity susscessfully is a __________________

Answer: Task Led Conversation

Question 12: Alexa , a popular bot from Amazon provides feature to integrate with IoT devices.

Answer: True

Question 13: What was the methodology used by ELIZA the program devised by Joseph Weizenbaum to come up with responses to questions ?

Answer: Pattern Matching

Question 14: Google Now , Siri and Cortana can be grouped under _______________

Answer: Voice Based Assistants

Question 15: The ability to pull intent from different time steps and perform actions indicates which property of a bot ?

Answer: Memory

Question 16: Buttons are used for rendering canned responses.

Answer: True

Question 17: Pronouns in sentences can be used as indicators for context .

Answer: True

Question 18: Bots are the new User Interface.

Answer: True

Question 19: Which of the following features cannot be accomplished using Slack API ?

Answer: Configuring Voice Commands

Question 20: Which of the following can be used as means of interaction with bots ?

Answer: All The Above

Question 21: You can create polls and get responses to polls using emoji.

Answer: True

Question 22: What type of interface do Google Now , Alexa , Siri use ?

Answer: Vocal User Interface

Question 23: Which of the following scenarios demands extensive use of Artificial Intelligence for designing and developing bots ?

Answer: All The Above

Question 24: Files in some specified format can be used to interact with bots.

Answer: True

Question 25: Humans shoud interfere when the inputs go out of scope for a bot.

Answer: True

Question 26: What is the order of steps in Natural Language Understanding ?

Answer: Understand , Respond and Act

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