Backbone | Fresco Play

Backbone | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
Backbone | Fresco Play

Question 1: What is the significance of Edge Version of BackboneJS?

Answer: All of the options

Question 2: BackboneJS is a lightweight JS library that lets you build and structure the server side applications by separating business and UI logic.

Answer: False

Question 3: Which one is not a building block of BackboneJS?

Answer: controller

Question 4: _ created BackboneJS and was initially released on

Answer: Jeremy Ashkenas. October 13th, 2010.

Question 5: BackboneJS is based on __________________ architecture.

Answer: MVC

Question 6: The BackboneJS separates ____________ and ______________.

Answer: business logic, user interface logic.

Question 7: What is the core part of any JavaScript application that retrieves and populates the data?

Answer: Model

Question 8: View holds HTML markup for the application.

Answer: False

Question 9: What is used to send an HTTP request to the View?

Answer: Router

Question 10: The _________ binds and triggers the user's custom events to an application

Answer: Event

Question 11: What is view in Backbone.js?

Answer: All

Question 12: In Backbone View, what is the use of setElement?

Answer: Used when Backbone view has to be applied to a different DOM element.

Question 13: How can we get the Attribute value of a Model?

Answer: Using .get() method

Question 14: _ are the array of models that are created inside the collection.

Answer: Models

Question 15: How to extend an object called testObj from Backbone.Event?

Answer: _.extend(testObj, Backbone.Events);

Question 16: How to override the model property of the collection class?

Answer: Backbone.Collection.model

Question 17: How to invoke the declared event in BackboneJS?

Answer: Using trigger() function

Question 18: What is the only method available in the Backbone.js history?

Answer: start

Question 19: BackboneJS can be included in project by

Answer: All of the options

Question 20: Which of the following is correct syntax for reading attributes from Model object?

Answer: objBook.get('title')

Question 21: View in BackbonJs can be considered as a kind of controller.

Answer: True

Question 22: What is el Property of Backbone.js View?

Answer: All of the options

Question 23: _ is the first function called when the view is instantiated.

Answer: initialize

Question 24: The Function escape gets the current value of an attribute from the model and returns the HTML-escaped version of a model’s attribute.

Answer: True

Question 25: BackboneJS has a soft dependency with ____________ and a hard dependency with not

Answer: Underscore.js, jQuery.

Question 26: What is not an alternative to Backbone.js?

Answer: Java

Question 27: The _____________ method in view is used to encapsulate the logic required to render HTML

Answer: .render()

Question 28: Which of the following is correct syntax for creating Backbone Collection with Model Model?

Answer: var Library=Backbone.Collection.extend({model:Book});

Question 29: In which language, backbone JS is written?

Answer: JavaScript

Question 30: Can we set default values for Model?

Answer: Yes we can by using defaults:{}

Question 31: The ___________ method removes the callback functions or all events from an object.

Answer: remove

Question 32: What function has to be used when you want to trigger the event only once before being removed?

Answer: once

Question 33: If we already have an object that extends from a backbone type like model, view, collection, then we do not have to call this _.extend. to pin backbone eventing mechanism with any object.

Answer: False

Question 34: BackboneJS works based on __________________ pattern.

Answer: MVC

Question 35: Backbone.View render() function can return this reference.

Answer: True

Question 36: The __________________ contains a list of models in BackboneJs application.

Answer: collection

Question 37: Any event triggered on a ______________ will also trigger on the _________________ in the model.

Answer: model, collection

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