Design Thinking Methodologies | Fresco Play

Design Thinking Methodologies | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 6 min read
Design Thinking Methodologies | Fresco Play

Question 1: This is the phase where we do extensive research on our target users, understanding their pain points, observing the environment in which they work and developing insights'. Which phase are we referring to?

Answer: Discovery phase

Question 2: Its often necessary to do an exercise within a phase multiple times in order to arrive at the outcome needed since

Answer: All the options

Question 3: This approach brings in the 'thinking mechanism' aspect into the process

Answer: 4D UX methodology

Question 4: Ideation phase is when brainstorming takes place

Answer: True

Question 5: A design brief provided by the client can be rewritten or reworked upon

Answer: True

Question 6: Tom is a designer at ABC firm. He is assigned with the task of designing a protective head gear targeted at workers of construction industry. With plenty of design thinking mechanisms at his disposal, he has the liberty to choose any one out of them and proceed. Keeping in mind, the risks involved in recalling the product due to poor design, he has to stick to a robust design mechanism. Out of the design thinking mechanisms that you have learned in the course, which one do you think would best fit Tom's purpose?

Answer: 4D UX methodology

Question 7: Design Thinking is a non-linear process

Answer: True

Question 8: Being an experimental phase, here continuous iterations can take place. Which phase is being referred to?

Answer: Prototype

Question 9: Design Thinking typically does not provide a solution-based approach to solving problems.

Answer: False

Question 10: The goal of the prototype phase is

Answer: to understand what components of your ideas work

Question 11: The stages in a design thinking process is not always sequential.

Answer: True

Question 12: You shouldnot seek to re-define the problem as a problem statement in a human-centered manner.

Answer: False

Question 13: What is key in any design thinking process?

Answer: Empathy

Question 14: Empathy is crucial because it allows design thinkers to set aside his or her own assumptions about the world in order to gain insight into users and their needs

Answer: True

Question 15: A sitemap is a high level diagram portraying the general structure and architecture of the website.

Answer: True

Question 16: User personas are created during this phase.

Answer: Discover stage

Question 17: Design thinking is mainly suitable for developing creative and crazy product innovations

Answer: True

Question 18: At the delivery phase, we

Answer: All of the above

Question 19: The winning design is typically that which most closely meets the design brief and necessarily need not adhere to budget and timescale.

Answer: False

Question 20: Empathy is critical because

Answer: it allows design thinkers to set aside his or her own assumptions about the world in order to gain insight into users and their needs

Question 21: 4D UX methodology is not an iterative process

Answer: False

Question 22: Prototypes should not be demonstrated and tested in other departments with in the organization to maintain secrecy

Answer: False

Question 23: 4D UX methodology was initially coined by Stanford d. school

Answer: True

Question 24: The design team should not produce more than one prototype.

Answer: True

Question 25: Design thinking is not an exclusive property of designers

Answer: True

Question 26: This methodology was proposed by Stanford d. school

Answer: Bootcamp Bootleg

Question 27: Design Thinking has

Answer: All of the above

Question 28: The Bootcamp Bootleg process consists of ___ stages

Answer: 5

Question 29: The biggest asset of design thinking is

Answer: All of the above

Question 30: Visual QA is done at this stage.

Answer: Design stage

Question 31: Primary and secondary modes of research are done in

Answer: Discover

Question 32: Each phase in a design thinking process is ___________ in nature

Answer: cyclical

Question 33: A wireframe is simply a black and white model showing the overall placement of the elements on the page.

Answer: True

Question 34: The final stage in Bootcamp Bootleg process is

Answer: Testing

Question 35: The supreme goal design thinking is to help you

Answer: All the options

Question 36: Design Thinknig is not an iterative process

Answer: False

Question 37: Unlike 4D process, phases of this process are either diverging or converging. Which is the process?

Answer: Bootcamp Bootleg

Question 38: Choose the right sequence of stages in 4D UX Methodology

Answer: Discover, Design, Develop and Deliver

Question 39: The phrase "thinking outside the box" has been coined to describe one goal of the brainstorming phase and is encouraged, since

Answer: this can aid in the discovery of hidden elements and ambiguities in the situation and discovering potentially faulty assumptions.

Question 40: _________________ is a way to narrow down thoughts to a final solution

Answer: all the options

Question 41: In a develop phase, evaluation is done prior to ideation

Answer: True

Question 42: The design brief consists of all possible solutions to the problem statement

Answer: True

Question 43: No alterations are to be made in the design after the testing phase

Answer: True

Question 44: Once the brief has been defined and agreed upon, a designer starts to search for relevant information that can be fed into the design process at the ideate stage. Which process are we referring to?

Answer: Define Process

Question 45: Imagine that you are a designer and your goal is to improve onboarding experience for new users. What will you do first?

Answer: bring your team members together and sketch out many different ideas

Question 46: MVP's stand for

Answer: Minimum Viable Product

Question 47: Prototypes should only be demonstrated and tested within the team itself.

Answer: True

Question 48: At which stage does content development comes into play?

Answer: Discover stage

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