Mobile Primer | Fresco Play

Mobile Primer | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Mobile Primer | Fresco Play

Question 1: Apache Cordova is a hybrid framework?

Answer: True

Question 2: Apache Cordova is open source verion of PhoneGap.

Answer: True

Question 3: Testing on real device is not required as emulator provides the same capabilities of a device.

Answer: False

Question 4: Mobile apps are always forward compatible with new OS releases.

Answer: False

Question 5: https/ssl is a secure communication channel for mobile apps.

Answer: True

Question 6: Most widely used method for exposing server APIs for mobile apps is _______.

Answer: Restful JSON

Question 7: MDM stands for __________

Answer: Mobile Device Management

Question 8: Key advantage of mobile enablement is _________.

Answer: Building the company brand

Question 9: Material design style follows for developing __________.

Answer: Android apps

Question 10: Xamarin cross platform development software is owned by _________.

Answer: Microsoft

Question 11: Consumer apps can be distributed using Apple Enterprise License.

Answer: False

Question 12: Phonegap is an iOS framework.

Answer: False

Question 13: iOS is an open ecosystem like Android?

Answer: False

Question 14: Remote data wipe feature is offered by _____.

Answer: MDM solution

Question 15: Jail broken or rooted device is susceptible to valunerabilities.

Answer: True

Question 16: Service Workers are the core technology used in _________

Answer: Progressive Web Apps

Question 17: .apk is an installable file for _____ platform

Answer: Android

Question 18: mBaaS means ___________.

Answer: Mobile Backend as a Service

Question 19: Ionic framework is for __________.

Answer: Hybrid App Development

Question 20: Hockey App is offered by ___________

Answer: Microsoft

Question 21: Distributing Apps in Google Playstore requires one time registration fee.

Answer: True

Question 22: A wireframe is a visual representation of a user interface without branding elements, color scheme etc.

Answer: True

Question 23: AppStore allows distribution of enterprise (B2E) as well as consumer (B2C) apps.

Answer: False

Question 24: Apple review is not required for free iOS apps.

Answer: False

Question 25: React Native is a ___________

Answer: Cross-platform Development Tool

Question 26: Airwatch is an example of ____________

Answer: Enterprise Mobility Management

Question 27: BYOD is risk free .

Answer: False

Question 28: Who developed Phonegap?

Answer: Nitobi

Question 29: Which programming language is used for developing native iOS apps?

Answer: swift

Question 30: Apple Developer License need to be renewed every year.

Answer: True

Question 31: Google Play Store is for distributing ________.

Answer: Android apps

Question 32: Hockey App is connected with ______________

Answer: Beta testing

Question 33: Native mobile apps share code across multiple platforms.

Answer: False

Question 34: Look and feel of an app is finilised as part of user exprience design.

Answer: False

Question 35: Select various strategies used to achieve good UX.

Answer: Animations

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