Time Series Analysis | Fresco Play

Time Series Analysis | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 4 min read
Time Series Analysis | Fresco Play

Question 1: Perform a monthly resample/downsample of the time series. What is the maximum value for February?

Answer: 17.37

Question 2: Perform a daily resample/upsample of the data. Do interpolation to fill the data. What is the value for Jan 12, 2011?

Answer: 16.09

Question 3: Perform a daily resample/upsample of the data. Do a forward filling of the missing values with limit of 2. What is the value for Jan 16,2011?

Answer: 15.97

Question 4: How many observations have you seen from Jan 1, 2011 to March 31, 2011?

Answer: 12

Question 5: Perform a monthly resample/downsample of the time series. What is the minimum value for May?

Answer: 16.26

Question 6: For the XOM stock close prices time series perform a stationarity test using ADF. What is the value of the ADF statistic ?

Answer: 0.91

Question 7: For the WMT stock open prices time series perform a stationarity test using ADF. What is the p-value?

Answer: 0.0028

Question 8: For the WMT stock open prices time series perform a stationarity test using ADF. What is the value of ADF statistic?

Answer: -3.89

Question 9: For the XOM stock close prices time series perform a stationarity test using ADF. What is the p-value?

Answer: 0.99

Question 10: For the WMT stock open prices time series perform a stationarity test using ADF. How is the time series behaving?

Answer: It is stationary

Question 11: Auto Correlation Function Plot can be used for determining if a Time Series is stationary or not.

Answer: True

Question 12: Time Series data is indexed by _______________?

Answer: DateTime Index

Question 13: If the p value is > 0.05 during the ADF test of the time series then the series is said to be ___________________

Answer: Non-Stationary

Question 14: I can write my custom aggregation function while resampling my time series in Pandas.

Answer: True

Question 15: What package in Python provides features to work with Time Zones?

Answer: pytz

Question 16: Augmented Dickey-Fuller test cannot be used for identifying if a Time Series is Stationary.

Answer: False

Question 17: What does freq='T' signify while passing this parameter to the date_range() function ?

Answer: Create Date Time every minute

Question 18: If the mean and variance of a Time Series is constant over time , it is called a _____________ Time Series.

Answer: Stationary

Question 19: What is the function to offset the date for daylight saving?

Answer: DateOffset()

Question 20: What is the function to plot a lag plot for a time series using python?

Answer: lag_plot()

Question 21: What function in Python helps in creating Date Time index for data that does not have date or time values captured?

Answer: date_range()

Question 22: When I upsample my time series and I find many missing values , how do I fill the missing values?

Answer: All the Options

Question 23: Down sampling is the process of converting a ______________ to __________________ frequency.

Answer: Low , High

Question 24: What is the function used for plotting the values of a time series using Python?

Answer: plot()

Question 25: I cannot plot resampled Time Series data in Python

Answer: False

Question 26: In pandas I can combine two time series with different frequencies into a single time serie

Answer: True

Question 27: In Time Series data , the observations are captured over varying time intervals.

Answer: False

Question 28: AIC Stabds for

Answer: Akaike information criterion

Question 29: What is the default aggregation function while resampling a time series in pandas

Answer: mean()

Question 30: It is a good practice to apply Forecasting models for non-stationary time series

Answer: False

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