Artillery - API Freighting | Fresco Play
Question 1: We can get Response Time using
Answer: All the options are correct
Question 2: Which of the following is correct about Littleās law?
Answer: Both the option is correct.
Question 3: Performance testing is used to determine the functions of application at a particular load.
Answer: False
Question 4: Which of the following formula correctly defines Littleās law when Number of stable customer =N, Average arrival rate = Ī», Average time spend by user = W
Answer: N = Ī»*W
Question 5: Stress testing means verifying applicationās stability and capabilities.
Answer: False
Question 6: Artillery can be installed on Nodejs v3.
Answer: False
Question 7: What is the command to verify artillery?
Answer: artillery dino
Question 8: What command can be used to install artillery?
Answer: npm install artillery
Question 9: What does -c stand for in quick test?
Answer: arrivalRate
Question 10: What is the help command for artillery?
Answer: artillery -help
Question 11: Target is defined in the scenarios section
Answer: False
Question 12: arrivalCount is defined as the arrival of the virtual users for the duration of time.
Answer: False
Question 13: Which of the following is correct? (i)target is for base URL. (ii) phase is for recurrence of the request. (Iii) payload is for importing data. (iv) timeout is for wait time before server response. (v) environments is for associated target
Answer: i, ii, iii, iv, v
Question 14: What does think argument stand for in artillery script.
Answer: Both options are correct
Question 15: If we have defined the priority of execution of three phases as 2,3,7, which of the following is correct?
Answer: priority for 7 will be 27.27 %
Question 16: Phase of the script defines the api that we want to test.
Answer: False
Question 17: What are the kinds of phases in artillery?
Answer: arrivalRate, arrivalCount and pause
Question 18: Priority of the scenarios are defined in _.
Answer: weight
Question 19: What is the success response for GET request?
Answer: 200
Question 20: Which request is similar to patch request?
Answer: PUT request
Question 21: Put request is used for ___.
Answer: Updating data
Question 22: What is the success response for creating new account?
Answer: 1. 201 2. 405
Question 23: Get request is used for ___.
Answer: Listing all the user.
Question 24: Post request is used for ___.
Answer: Creating data
Question 25: How can we call out data path?
Answer: config.payload.path
Question 26: If path of the variable is not defined in the script, how you can run the file?
Answer: artillery run sample.yml -p data.csv
Question 27: Inline variable is defined under __.
Answer: config.variables
Question 28: Following artillery script will error out. Which line is erroneous?
Answer: line 3
Question 29: Defined variable are called inside _.
Answer: {{ variable }}
Question 30: If sample_report.json is the report generated, how can the report be viewed using json file?
Answer: jq .aggregate sample_report.json
Question 31: What does NaN (Not a Number) stand for
Answer: There was not sufficient response for this action.
Question 32: What does Scenarios launch stand for _.
Answer: Number of virtual user generated in the defined time.
Question 33: What is the command to convert json report to html?
Answer: artillery report sample_report.json
Question 34: How to add pool count?
Answer: config.http.pool
Question 35: Which is the correct syntax for log.
Answer: scenarios: - flow: - post: url: "/api/users" json: name: "ranjan" job: "programmer" capture: json: "$.id" as: "id" - log: "Id value: {{ id }}"
Question 36: How to add loop count?
Answer: scenarios.flow.count
Question 37: In the following code snippet, how do we set the timeout?
Answer: config.http.timeout
Question 38: To send message in socket io, what command should we use?
Answer: emit
Question 39: What is built-in function for generating random alpha numeric?
Answer: $randomString()
Question 40: Where can we define our javaScript file to get the random data?
Answer: config.processor
Question 41: What is the engine value that we need to call in socket io?
Answer: Socketio
Question 42: How to debug web socket?
Answer: DEBUG:ws artillery run sample.yml
Question 43: Command to debug http _.
Answer: DEBUG:http artillery run sample.yml
Question 44: Command to debug http capture .
Answer: DEBUG:http:capture artillery run sample.yml
Question 45: Command to debug http response _.
Answer: 1. DEBUG:http:capture,http:response artillery run sample.yml 2. DEBUG:http:capture artillery run sample.yml
Question 46: How to debug
Answer: DEBUG:socketio artillery run sample.yml
Question 47: Where can we set Header?
Answer: We can set header for any HTTP requests.
Question 48: What argument is used for environment associated target?
Answer: -e argument
Question 49: I want to create an account. Which of the following is correct for scenarios script?
Answer: scenarios: - flow: - post: url: "/api/users" json: name: "Ranjan" email: āranjan@play.meā
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