How to Enhance Your Writing with AI Tools

How to Enhance Your Writing with AI Tools

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
~ 8 min read
Discover how to enhance your writing with AI tools by These tools help you answer queries, generate outlines, create drafts, summarize, rewrite, and proofread content for better clarity and efficiency.

If you are one of those who think that AI can replace human writers, you would be amazed to know the reality. According to the survey, around 90% of the writers believe they should be compensated for their books used to train generative AI. In simple words, AI needs human-written content to get trained. So, instead of considering it an enemy, incorporate it in your writing as an ally.

There are multiple AI tools offered by that can help you improve your research process, writing, and editing to improve the clarity of your writing and boost your efficiency. You can take the help of these AI tools as assistants to get your queries answered, generate outlines, get your first draft, summarize and rewrite the content, and proofread it for perfection.

Let’s discuss these processes in detail to further elaborate on how you can enhance your writing with these AI tools.

Get Your Queries Answered

Whenever you want to write something, there comes a lot of questions regarding your topic. If you ask Google or any other search engine, they will probably show you generic answers that may not even directly answer your query. It also takes a lot of time to get your answers by manually exploring multiple websites.

But, with the help of AI tools, you can get accurate and personalized answers within a few seconds. AI answer generator by can check hundreds of websites within a few seconds and get you relevant and research-based answers that relate to your query.

When you have all of your queries answered in a short time, you will be able to start writing your content faster than before. After that, the next process is generating outlines for your content which can also be done with AI tools.

Generate Outlines with AI Tools

Outlines are an integral part of the writing process as the whole content aligns with the title just because of perfect outlines. It takes a lot of time to generate outlines manually, but outline generator by can help you write outlines within a few seconds which you can alter according to your needs.

This helps you cover the whole topic comprehensively and no area of the topic remains unaddressed. It makes you a perfect writer as whoever reads a writing piece first focuses on its outlines and whether they answer their queries.

So, you can enhance your outline generation with the help of this AI tool. Then, the next part is writing a rough draft for your topic.

Generate First Draft

Perfect writing requires multiple changes in a writing piece, so if you start writing manually, it will take a lot of time and consume too much energy to revise it. But, to write a perfect piece, multiple additions and removal of unnecessary information are required. So, you can take the help of paragraph generator by to write a first draft for your topic regarding the outline you already have.

You will have a better idea of what to include and what to remove after you get your first draft written by this AI tool. This process will be completed within a few seconds, so your energy remains conserved for alterations in your draft.

You must include data from multiple published research available online to enhance the quality of your content, so you must consult research papers, articles, and journals to include authentic stats and references in your writing. You can take the help of an AI summarizer to condense the content for you.

Summarize the Content

Research for multiple ideas and information related to your topic requires surfing and finding relevant published content. It will be time-consuming and difficult to read the whole research paper or articles to pick ideas or relevant information.

You can take the help of an AI summarizer by to condense the bulk of text and get you only the required information, insights, and stats you need. It doesn’t only save you time but also effort which you can utilize for further improving your content.

Rewrite Your Content

When you have a rough draft mixed up with your researched data, the wording, sentence structure, and tone doesn’t remain consistent. So, instead of rectifying it manually, give your writing to the article rewriter offered by the to rewrite the article for you.

It will correct the sentence structure, and maintain a consistent tone throughout the writing by changing words using synonyms, and removing jargon from your writing. This process will simplify the written content and make it easy to read and understand for every reader.

Proofread Your Content

When you have completed your writing process, now it is time for a crucial process; proofreading. If your content has grammatical errors, issues with fluency, and writing style, it may lose the interest of the readers and most publishers don’t publish such content. So, you have to remove such issues from your writing which can easily and quickly be done with the AI grammar checker by

This AI grammar checker can remove grammatical errors, increase the flow of the content, and improve the style to make the content attention-grabbing. After this process, your content will be ready to be published on any platform whether it’s a website, social media, or a professional publication.

Final Words

AI tools offered by can be used as assistants to enhance your writing. Its AI answer generator can answer your queries regarding any topic. An outline generator can generate outlines for your content. Its paragraph writer can write you a first draft for your topic and AI summarizer can summarize content to ease the research. Article rewriter can rewrite your content to maintain tone and simplify your writing. Then, its grammar checker can edit your content to make it flow and make your writing attention-grabbing for the readers.

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