Git Slack Integration | Fresco Play

Git Slack Integration | Fresco Play

Monday, May 22, 2023
~ 3 min read
Git Slack Integration | Fresco Play

Question 1: What is ChatOps ?

Answer: Philosophy

Question 2: ChatOps helps in _

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 3: Compare the notifications triggered during Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. Which of the following notification to slack are missing when the GitHub repository is updated in authed mode vs. unauthed mode.

Answer: Pull Notification

Question 4: Merge the Pull request in GitHub for the updates made to starfeature branch. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

Answer: stakeholders and starprojectteam

Question 5: Delete the branch starfeature in GitHub. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

Answer: starprojectteam

Question 6: Update the file in the GitHub Branch starfeature and Commit the updates. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

Answer: starprojectteam

Question 7: Create a New Pull Request. Review the changes between master and starfeature branch, and confirm by clicking Create pull request. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

Answer: stakeholders and starprojectteam

Question 8: ChatOps primary aim is to move conversations away from e-mail and into business chat tools. Is this statement correct?

Answer: False

Question 9: Which of the following Bots are written in Ruby

Answer: Lita

Question 10: Which of the following activities can be automated through ChatOps

Answer: Creating and Tracking Issues

Question 11: Few Channels in Slack are listed with a lock symbol in the Explorer, because these channels are ___

Answer: Private

Question 12: Through ChatOps, communication can be bi-directional. i.e. users can submit commands from the chat room to the bots, which direct the commands to the respective systems; the systems can automatically push status to the chat room directly.

Answer: True

Question 13: Which of the following is not an ideal target to automate through ChatOps

Answer: Auto Scaling Servers

Question 14: Through Chat Client, users can

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 15: Which of the following are the technical benefits that the teams can realize by adapting ChatOps

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 16: Through ChatOps, collaboration is tied to the IT systems and processes, therefore making it more

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 17: Which of the following is the main consideration while choosing a Chatbot?

Answer: All the options mentioned

Question 18: Which of the following is not a ChatClient

Answer: Lita

Question 19: Can Chatbot be used by a restaurant to take customer orders and make menu items suggestions.

Answer: Yes

Question 20: ChatOps is a collaboration model which offers a single and persistent location, for ___ to collaborate with each other.

Answer: People, Bots and Tools

Question 21: Which of the following tools can not be integrated into ChatOps.

Answer: Eclipse

Question 22: What is ChatOps ?

Answer: Collaboration Practice

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